“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Of Course

My goodness me - time absolutely flies when you have a day off.

Of course.

I'm looking forward to the day when I can actually just sleep without having to wake up to an alarm. Sure, I could've done that today, but there was just too much that I needed to get through.

Up bright and early, I jumped straight in and did a whole load of laundry. Today was the PERFECT day for it - super sunny and windy, so I managed to get most of it dry super fast. In between, I was studying and trying to finish up the backlog of work that I had from one school. I finished my course at that school today. It was a real dilemma whether to continue or not, but I decided not to, just because I wanna take the time to review what I already know instead of constantly moving forward and never having the time to review. Plus, this school is super expensive and whilst I feel that I have learned a lot, at this point in time, I don't feel like it would be worth it to continue. I am thinking about going back next year to prepare me for the N2 test which I'm gonna take again next summer...even if I pass it this year.

After the class, I went and paid a whole load of bills. Still got more to go - I swear I'm paying too much tax, but that's what you get when you work a shit load and then it pays off....just not in every way! Then it was back to the books - I'm trying to focus more now on learning vocab instead of just focusing on vocabulary - it kills me the number of times that I look up the same word over and over again. Ergh!

I made an awesome dinner tonight too - I was gonna make brownies but then I decided not to because I figured they would end up being my dinner. And seeing how I haven't been to the gym for absolutely MONTHS (well - to the studio anyway), that DEFINITELY wouldn't be a good idea.

I am so outta shape it's not even funny. I'm hoping to get back into the studio this weekend. I say that to myself every week, but this time I mean it. I need a release from work and study - it feels like that's all I do these days and that's just nto good enough.

Really disappointed today as well - I was supposed to be going on a road trip up to Yamagata with my girl next month, but she mailed me today to tell me that she can't get the time off work because she's having time off this month.Tight arses! I'm gonna look at other options before I decide to put a schedule in at work - a little break is exactly what I need! Even if I dont' go anywhere...or if I don't go far....it would defintiely be a welcome rest.


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