“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 10 October 2011


When I was on the train on my way home from work today, I was just absolutely dumbstruck by the complete incompetence of the mother sitting opposite me.

She was there with 2 kids - there was a little boy in a pram and then a girl sitting next to her. The boy was already snivelling when I got on, but then the lack of attention from his mother (who looked like she wanted to kill herself) set him off WAILING. 

Now for me, the sound of a baby crying is single handling the most stressful noise in the world. But this level of wailing was on the verge of sending me over the edge as the mother did NOTHING but just watch her kid in the pram. She didn't even touch him, let alone pick him up and try to settle him. EVERYONE was just staring at her, giving her the why-the-fuck-aren't-you-doing-anything look, which she just chose to ignore. 


I don't know what it is about Japanese mothers, but they don't seem to have any concept about what kind of behaviour is socially acceptable in public. If I even snivelled in public, I was smacked and then felt the full force of the wooden spoon when I got home for embarrassing my mother in public. The lack of discipline in this country is just shocking. This kind of thing would never go down in England.

After about 10 minutes of this racket, I tutted, shook my head at the woman and then got up to move carriages. As I was about to walk off, I saw an older lady basically lay into her and then at the next stop she finally got off and took her brats with her.

On the platform she was just standing there, looking at her wailing son in the pram with as much resentment as she could muster, that I ALMOST felt sorry for the damn thing. Actually, I lied. I totally didn't feel sorry for the brat at all. Not even my kid and I was looking at it with more resentment than she was. 

Drives me crazy!! 


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