“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 28 April 2012

A Chilled Saturday Night

So in a bid to save a bit of cash, I stayed in tonight.

I'm still waiting for my tax rebate (seriously gonna have to give them a call next week to get their arse into gear!!!) and also waiting for money for rent and bills from my flatmate. Until then, I need to be seriously careful with what I spend.

I actually managed to get through a day at work without any kind of energy drink - that's definitely rare! I was struggling from the boredom this afternoon, but the minute my last lesson had finished I was out of the door. Not just because I was dying to leave, but also because I had pretty badly violated the dress code and wanted to make it out the door without getting noticed!! HAHAHA!

Mission accomplished...I think!

So I've just been chilling at home in front of the TV, thinking about my holiday and getting jealous of people already on theirs. I'm so impatient - I think I'm just dying for a break from work. Whatever the reason, it's knackering me out just thinking about it! It's barely past nine and I already feel that I could pass out. 

Feels quite nice actually - I realised that over the last 2 months, this is only my second Saturday night in.

Chilling like no one's business!!!!

Think I'm gonna paint my nails!


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