“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 11 April 2012


You know when you start working somewhere and you really want a certain position for so long...

...and that position becomes available and you're not sure whether or not to go for it?

That's what's happening to me right now.


The timing absolutely SUCKS ARSE. Like, really badly.

What's the problem? What's not the problem more like!!!!

1) I won't get the recommendation from one particular person after all the drama that went on before Christmas

2) I've already got too much planned holiday for the rest of the year and it'll never get approved

3) I can't afford the pay cut (YES - taking on a management role means LESS money!!!)

4) I need to accrue 2000 teaching hours post CELTA to be applicable to do my DELTA. If I take the job, then I won't be able to accrue that

5) I'm worried that if I officially take on a full time job (even though I work full time now, I'm essentially self-employed), I'll never leave the company or move on with trying to get into the British Council

6) I'm reluctant to give up my flexibility for a fixed full time position.

LOL - doesn't really sound like much of a dilemma does it!!! HAHA! The truth is that the timing just isn't right. If this had come a year down the line, I would've been more tempted because that gives me time to accrue the teaching hours and also get a bit more management experience before I start the DELTA. I guess I've answered my own question then really, haven't I. The problem is is that you never know when the chance will come around again. If I don't go for it now, will the opportunity present itself again next year?

I think that's I risk I just might have to be willing to take.


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