“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 23 April 2012

I Did It!!!!

LOL - I'm pretty sure that this entry is gonna be too much information but I'm going for it anyway!!!

So you know that I took the leap into the world of laser hair removal last year.

OMG - it's amazing never having to shave my armpits....9 sessions and the hair has completely gone. I could have stopped at 7 to be honest, but I didn't wanna have to shave AT ALL - even if it was like once a month so I went the whole hog and got the lot permanently removed.

After a whole load of debating, I went back to start the removal on a new area....



I've been thinking about doing it for the best part of a year, but I have always been put off because, well, it's painful - I'm not gonna lie - and it was bad enough on my armpits....the thought of having that pain in an even more sensitive area was so damn scary, I just couldn't do it.

But then I was doing the math.

The amount of money that I have spent waxing over the last 11 years is SHOCKING!!! Even when I was doing it myself and not even going to the salon it was still costing a fair bit doing it every month. Even though laser is a whopping 15,000 yen a session, the results after about 6-8 sessions will be permanent. It is costly but it's defintiely worth it int he long run so I decided to just suck it up and go for it.

No joke - I was so nervous. I had a consultation before and even though I knew what to expect having had it done on a different area before, all I could think about while the woman was talking was how much it was gonna hurt. She did give me the option of going just for the bikini Y-line, but I wanted the same area removed as I normally have waxed...which was the Y, I and O lines!!! Sorry guys - if you can't work that out, I'm not gonna go into THAT much detail but girls who are no strangers to waxing know what I'm talking about!!!! HAHAHA!

So I'm lying there....got my goggles on....can't see a thing...and then my beautician just starts lathering this gel on. It was so cold and she didn't warn me what she was about to do (which is really rare - every other time I've been in, I've had a Japanese running commentary of everything that was going on), so the shock made me jump! And then she didn't warn me that she was about to start zapping so the first hit also made me jump!! I had to ask her to just tap the area that she was about to zap so that I didn't feel so shocked all the time!!

Did it hurt? Yeh it did!!! But it wasn't AS bad as I thought it was going to be. Of course, the I-line was the worst - had quite a few clenched teeth moments there but overall, I think maybe waxing hurts more...it takes longer that's for sure. Today I was in and out in like 20 minutes. It wasn't even that the procedure took that long - it was the applying gel time, scraping it off, washing the skin down thta padded it out a bit. The skin feels divinely soft and smooth now it's amazing. And that's after just one session.

Looking forward to seeing the final results at the end of the year!!

LOL - if it's tmi for some of you - sorrrrryyyyy!!!!


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