“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 16 April 2012

F*** This S***

Apologies for the expletives in advance!!!!

But I swear down, I am so effing mad right now that I don't think I can hold them in.

Well, I am British after all!! ;-) A bit of understanding お願いします!

As a female teacher of adults, you know at some point that you are going to meet some downright pervy *****.

As a female teacher, I accept that. I accept that I'm going to be catching male clients trying to take a sneaky look at my ****. I know this and as long as I make it clear that they have been caught out and showing some ******* sense of embarrassment, then I'll let it slide.

What I WON'T tolerate, however, is for ******* old ***** to shamelessy perv at my chest until their ******* hearts content, without giving a **** that I've made it clear that I can see what they're doing, have caught them in the act and then just carrying on talking as normal.

Talking to my **** that is, not to me.

And if that wasn't ******* gross enough, then to be asked really ******* personal questions that make me feel sick to my stomach just pushed me too far.

I get asked personal questions all the time, and normally I don't mind because either they've come up naturally in the conversation, or I might have instigated it by asking the same personal question in the first place, so I know I can't complain when it's fired back at me. No, no.....I just lie.

But when out of the blue I basically get asked if I've ****** J-guys and my thoughts about that and whether I'm into older guys...and the person asking me is a crusty old ***, then I get prickly and back up in my chair. I spent the whole time, desperately trying to cross my arms in front of my chest in any way that would get the ****** to raise his damn eyes....to no avail.

So feeling absolutely disgusted, grossed out and like I wanna throw up - if you saw this guy's face you'd understand - I decided to take my concerns about this guy to the front. Visibly upset, I mentioned what had happened, only to be greeted with....laughter....from women.


******* *******!!!!



That is so not cool with me.

******* done.

After the drama last year, I said that I would give the people involved one more chance.

And that chance has been taken.

No more chances.



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