“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 22 October 2012


As October is drawing to a close, I'm feeling absolutely shattered.

Working my arse off and have a lot going on in my personal life.

So, so tired.

I tried to catch up on sleep last night. I was in bed by 10pm...and still lying there awake at 1am. When my alarm went off this morning at 5.15am, I got up and was pretty much walking around with my eyes half closed - such a mission to wake up.

But no early night tonight either - I'm heading to take my girl out for a very special belated birthday dinner. It's rare that we can both find a gap in our schedules, so when she mailed me yesterday to tell me that she suddenly had the day off, even though all I want to do tonight is just mooch around, I couldn't say no. Only because her birthday was in September and we both have an insanely busy November lined up.

I promised I would take her somewhere really nice as well, so we're heading to a very plush joint in Ebisu. I know it's gonna be great - I just wish I had a bit more genki in me right now.

There's just too much that has happened this month to go into everything. I realised as well that it's exactly 2 months until I arrive in NZ - really need to start looking into what I'm gonna be doing when I get there. Time is just disappearing in the blink of an eye.

On a completely different note - the X Factor results this week? WTF?! Rylan and Jade completely sucked on Saturday night - how they managed to escape the sing off ahead of MK1 and Kye is mind boggling. My support for Rylan disappeared last week - his performances are now making me cringe...although I LOVE the fashion!! And Jade? Well, naturally she has an awesome name and I DO love the tone of her voice, but I just find her so damn dull to watch!! I haven't enjoyed ANY of her performances in the live shows yet. Just goes to show that you never know what will happen.

Who am I backing this week?

James Arthur.

Undeniable talent.



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