“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 25 October 2012




As soon as I finished work this morning and had my appointment, I went straight to Marunouchi...and into Burberry.

I was all set to buy that coat I was raging about earlier in the month. I picked it up, tried it on and probably spent about 15 minutes posing in front of the mirror. It looked AMAZING!!! Hate to be arrogant but seriously, anyone could put on that coat and looked good. It clung in all the right places, was the perfect length AND the perfect thickness. Thick enough to keep you warm, but not so thick that you'd be sweating bullets on the train in winter thanks to the insane heating. The colour, the cut - everything was stunning. There was no way I was leaving the store without it.

Grinning from ear-to-ear I reached into my Coach, pulled out my Gucci (label whore, much?!?!) and was heading to the till to pay. I had already decided that 200,000yen would be acceptable for the coat. I had no idea why I thought it cost that, but I did.

On the way to the till, I realised that I hadn't actually checked the price and about 10 metres from the till decided that it would be a good idea to do so.

And then my heart broke.

That stunning piece costs a whopping 495,000yen!!!!


The thing is, I CAN afford it. And even though I would have some cash left over, it would be another month scrimping and being tight. I've just managed to survive October on 40,000yen and I don't wanna go through that again.

Actually, what am I talking about - it wasn't even that bad!! Perfectly doable without sacrificing nights out.

Anyway, the point is, as much as I do love my brands, not even I can justify spending that much on a coat. My friends already thought that 200,000yen was pushing it and I disagreed. But nearly half a million on a coat - that's just a little too expensive for me. I'm not a rich girl you know!!

However if someone wanted to buy if for me, naturally I wouldn't stop them! HAHAHA! Looks like I need to find a sugar daddy!!




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