“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 15 October 2012

Well Done UK!!

I've just watched the results from the second live show of the X Factor.

The public got it so right this week! Not necessarily with the bottom two - I mean, I love District 3's vocals - they are absolutely stunning - but with sending Melanie home.

I've never really been a fan. She does have a good voice and she can sing, but I just felt like she screamed her way through every performance with her power notes. Look at Ella and Jahmene - both of them have power notes and can deliver an amazing performance without the screaming so I never really enjoyed any of her performances.

And like Carolynne, even if she had stayed in the competition, she would never have won. That's the truth of it.

I've had a really chilled weekend. Given the fact that I'm trying to hold out until pay day, I'm saving the little cash I have for next weekend. My girl is coming down from Saitama and my other girl is coming over from Nagoya and a few other Tokyo peeps are gonna hit up my place and then we're all heading out to ageHa!!

Really looking forward to it - it's gonna be a Friday so I'm gonna be able to get my dancehall groove on!!!! Yay!

Roll on Friday! Hang on a sec...it's only Monday!! =(


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