“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Can't. Stop. Eating.

I have spent the majority of my day off in 2 places.

On the sofa watching Masterchef and in the kitchen.

What did I manage to rustle up today?

A humungous amount of Thai green curry, strawberry cupcakes and a stunning dinner of pork fillet stuffed with garlic, green onion and wild mushrooms on a bed of wilted spinach, served with nira mash and some brocolli.

It was seeeriously good! If I do say so myself - haha!

Watching Masterchef has given me so many new ideas for cooking meat. Normally I would stew pork fillet or poach or roast it, but I saw a new technique today where you wrap the fillet (or whatever other meat you're cooking) in baking paper,  twizzle the ends like a Christmas cracker and then shove it in the oven as is. I wasn't sure about doing it, so I put it on a low heat of 150 and let it do it's thing for 40 minutes.

My goodness, the meat was PERFECTLY cooked - so tender and juicy with all the juices gathered in the paper - which made for a good sauce over the top. As you unwrap the paper, the fragrant stuffing just wafts in your face and it smells AMAZING! I'm a huge garlic fan, so I added a couple of small cloves and it was just heavenly. LOVE the smell of onions and garlic together. I really enjoyed it.

Then I made some custard and had it with a couple of cupcakes for dessert. They were OK, but ended up in a variety of different shapes and were much sweeter than I was anticipating! So why did I eat them with custard? Because I didn't ice them and they're too boring on their own.

So full  now though. In between the curry lunch and pork dinner, I scoffed 3/4 a huge bar of white chocolate and some cockles. Love those things - the tiniest amount of vinegar and they are ready to eat.

Lovely jubbly.

Not looking forward to getting on the scales at the gym next week!


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