“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 7 October 2012

The Most Talented Year Ever?!

Oh my dayz!!!

I've just finished watching the first live show of the X Factor 2012.

Even though I'm a ltitle gutted Amy didn't get voted back in, there's no denying how much talent is on the show this year. I truly think this is pretty much the most talented year EVER.

I started watching more religiously after Leona won back in the day. She is by far the most successful artist to come out of the show....but One Direction are right on her heels, smashing it on both sides of the pond.

I have 5 very strong favourites this year. Based on the performances last night alone, the front runner is easily Ella. My goodness, she absolutely SMASHED SMASHED SMASHED Take That's "Rule the World" in an absolutely stunning and faultless performance. I just love watching her - she takes my breath away.

Other strong faves include Jahmene, James Arthur and Kae. Jahmene has an incredible voice and is easily the best male vocalist, but both James and Kae have amazing tones and so, so talented as artists. They are gonna be absolute superstars after this.

MK1 have it for me. Super modern, super urban - I'm not sure we've seen someone like them before. I love the rap - it's always on point and I'm excited to see how far they're gonna go. 

Since we're talking about the groups - Union J. Complete and utter cack. I thought before that Louis had made a mistake with the groups - he only choice this one coz they're 4 young boys and he's heavily reliant on the girls voting for them. He would have done so much better with one of the other original acts or that older (and extremely hot) boyband. Worst performance of the night, followed very closely by Carolynne. 

Trying to make Nicki Minaj country?! Oh dear, that was a mistake. And a very boring performance. Hated it.

Speaking of boring perfomances - Chris. I LOVE him - he's adorable and he has an amazing voice but that performance was soooo cheesy and dull. I hope Gary does better things for him next week. I feel like Gary has the  weekest category. Kae is great, but that Melanie? She has a very powerful voice, but she literally screams her way through all of her performances and it gets boring to watch. Not to mention that I'm really not feeling her style. oh well - each to their own. Not sure how far she's gonna go in the competition when she's up against much cooler and fresher acts.

Disappointed in Lucy last night. That's all I have to say about that. 

And Rylan. Oh Rylan. Hands down THE FUNNIEST REACTION I have ever seen to being told someone's made the live shows EVER. Effing HILARIOUS!!! Yah, he's not the best vocalist but I LOVE him!!! Not to mention that he's absolutely GORGEOUS (yeah, I don't care that he's gay!!!) and I just LOVE his sense of style. Absolutely HATED the performance last night though. he could be in trouble after that.

Love, love, loving it! Excited for the results show tomorrow!!!


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