“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 11 February 2010

Suited And Booted

God, how miserable is the weather today?

Apart from the fact that it's absolutely freezing, it's all gloomy grey and raining as well. But in spite of this, I still set out to go shopping. On the list - a suit.

I've needed a new suit for ages but just never got around to buying one. And after a good search today, I came back with two. One expensive one and one slightly cheaper one. I thought it would be a good idea for those occasions where you need to be suited up but you don't want to pull out all the stops you know?

And they both look super hot. LOL!!!

Ever since I started doing step aerobics over a year ago, I've gradually managed to get me an arse!!! I've always hated the fact that my arse has been flat and now I have a nice peachy number in play! Hahahahaha!! And both the trousers on the suits hug my figure so nicely, I had all the staff members tell me how good they looked. Naturally they have to say that coz they want me to buy thhe suit but when I looked around in the mirror, I was so chuffed at the progress I've made in getting a butt!!!

I just need a pair of killer power heels now! I did have a bit of a look around today, but the only pair I liked weren't available in my size. Definitely the next purchase. I want to go shopping again!!! I saw so much cute stuff when I was out and about but I just can't go shopping like I used to, which makes me so sad. I'll have to wait until payday next month so that I can make sure I can put money aside for travelling this year. I'm trying to save 8man a month, which is a lot considering how much I have to pay out with rent and insurance and loads of other crap every month. Might not be possible every month, but I will definitely try! It might be better for me to actually send money home to my UK account and put it into my savings so that I can't touch it.


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