“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 21 February 2010


I wish yesterday never happened.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that what happened yesterday is the most traumatising thing that I have experienced during my three year teaching experience in Japan.

Saturday is always a really tough day - the naughtiest kids come out in full force and try to test my limits. Unfortunately for them I have worked out their little tricks so they can't fool me anymore, get bored and actually behave.

All but one.

This kis is actually the devil's child. His parents are terrible - I'm not gonna get too much into that, but I have never seen so much neglect and 'I don't give a shit' attitude in a parent before. They use the eikawa as a babysitting service and don't really care if this kid learns English or not. Which he won't because he is a complete dumbass. I should lay off him because he is only 3, but he seems to have absolutely no idea of what kind of behaviour is acceptable...and ultimately, that IS the parents' fault.

But not even I was prepared for what I saw yesterday. As usual he was throwing a hissy fit for absolutely no reason other than the fact I was ignoring his attention seeking antics. He decided to sit in the corner (which is where I would've made him sit anyway) and was just bitching. After a while he started to slowing turn around.....and then to my horror I saw that he had pulled his pants down and was playing with himself!!!! And he was hard!!!! I was so horrified/disgusted/shocked that automatically I shouted at him to stop, whcih caused all the other kids in the class (including 3 little girls) to turn around...and they all saw. ALL OF THEM. He put it away but then turned to the wall and got it out again. I didn't actually realised until another kid told me what he was doing. I was really alarmed because of all the kids in the class....they would blatantly leave the classroom and then tell their mums what had happened, so I had no choice but to drag him (with it still sticking up in the air) out of the classroom.

It's only a 40 minute class and I feel so sorry for the other kids because this one little shit is always disruptive that I can never actually finish whatever I had planned. And sure enough, as soon as the class finished, one little boy ran straight to his mum and told him what happened. The look on her face said it all. The shittiest bit is when I spoke to the devil child's mum, all she said was 'I understand' and then walked off! No apology to me, no apology to the other parents - nothing! Unbelievable! I was so traumatised by the whole thing I couldn't eat my lunch because I thought I was going to throw up. Then we got a phone call later from that mum, saying that she might quit because I hate her son. I can't believe she's trying to put it on me! All the other parents are longing for the day he quits and even though I do hate him, what he did in the classroom is completely unacceptable behaviour. I have to protect the other kids in the class - especially the girls. She seems to be missing the fact that her son behaves completely inappropriately and needs discipline. She complains that I am always shouting at him, but that's because he's ALWAYS doing something wrong - from ripping things off the wall, to hitting other kids to doing what he did yesterday.

I am so shit with situations like this. It's the reason why if I do decide to have children, it HAS to be a girl. I couldn't raise a boy because dealing with issues like that absolutely grosses me out. But short of genetic modifcation, what can you do to guarantee that you get a girl?


That mum needs to be shot.

So traumatised - I'm scared that image is gonna be etched in my mind forever!!!


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