“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 17 February 2010


And there I was banging on about how I wasn't going to skip on another day at the gym.

What did I do this morning? Doh!

I had the shittiest night's sleep ever last night and when my alarm went off at 8.30 this morning, I was just way too tired to make it to the gym for such an early aqua class.

I got jolted awake by an earthquake in the early hours of the morning - it only lasted a split second but then I just couldn't get back to sleep afterwards. Then some dick on a motorbike was just driving up and down my road at like 5am or something stupid...it was so loud and annoying and I just couldn't get back to sleep. I think I finally fell asleep at about 9am...only to wake up and hour later to get ready for work.

And I'm STILL feeling tired. I'm trying to tell myself that I'm gonna try and hit the sack at 11.30pm every day but you know that that's just not gonna happen. I get in way to late to go to bed that early and I don't get enough time to do the things I wanna do as it is - never mind taking even more of that time away by going to bed early.

Definitely not the way to start a day of 6 back to back intense children's classes. Gonna be knackered at the end of this one.


I'll find the balance eventually.


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