“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 16 April 2010

2 or 3?

General Elections in the UK are so effing frustrating.

The race has always been between Labour and the Tories, and I have always voted Labour - not necessarily because I support what they say they will do, but because it's a vote AGAINT the Tories. I always want to vote for the Lib Dems but I never do because I have always been scared that that vote could mean that the Tories get in.

But after seeing all the manifestos and given the state that the country is in under a Labour government, I just can't justify voting for them anymore. If ever there was a time that the Lib Dems had a real chance of making it into office, this is definitely it. They are definitely in the race this year, but naturally everyone still believes that it is just between the other two.

I really want to vote Lib Dem this year - I think it's time they were given the chance and they have put out a really sound manifesto that would make a real difference. But I'm scared. What if that vote allows the Tories to get in? A Tory government would be unthinkable - not only are they racist xenophobes, but their interest lies with making the rich richer, and keeping the poor poor. They can't say anything which would be able to convince me that they have real intentions of improving the lives of lower income househoulds, students or protecting the rights of immigrants. They try and win the country over by splashing their cash around but it just reeks of insincerity.

Labour's manifesto is solid but again full of empty promises that they have been making for years. I just feel like if they haven't managed to achieve some of this goals over the last decade, then what makes them think that they can do it now? I think it's better to let someone else have a shot.

I know I don't live in the UK anymore, but it doesn't mean that I want to return to a destroyed country. Which is exactly what would happen under a Tory government. I beg you Brits with all my heart to USE YOUR VOTE and let's give the Lib Dems a chance to make the change that the other parties haven't been able to. Even if you don't vote Lib Dem, then at least vote AGAINST the Tories.

There ARE 3 parties in the race this year - if everyone runs scared and votes Labour to keep the Tories out, then remember if could be those votes that stop the Lib Dems from getting IN.

Nick Clegg for PM!


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