“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 22 April 2010


I literally don't have words for the way I feel right now.

Shocked? Relieved? In a state of panic? Calm? Confused?

I was getting ready to go to work this morning after a really great session at the gym when I got a call from my manager telling me that the company has gone bankrupt and I had to go to this meeting.


The first feeling was relief. I mean, you all know that I've been looking for a way out and this is the perfect opportunity. But I was always gonna wait until after my holiday to the States and then quit mid July. To find out that the company was taken over YESTERDAY was such a shock because it means that the terms and conditions of my current contract no longer apply. No bonuses, no holiday pay, no NOTHING. Which means that the 2 weeks I'm taking off next week to Singapore and Malaysia are going to be unpaid. I can't afford to do that! Some holiday this is going to be. =(

And the worst part of it all is that we all went down to this meeting to be told....NOTHING. All we got was a bit of paper which we had to state whether we wanted to continue employment with the takeover company or not. If we do, we have to go into school on Friday and download and sign the new contract before we start. I guess the good thing about it is that if we do read it and decide it's bullsit (which it is), then we don't have to teach that day. I will feel bad because I really like my Friday students but we have been so badly screwed over, we don't owe the company anything. I wouldn't bother going in at all but I wanna pick up all the stuff that I have there. I'm not leaving it for the next person!

What a shocker. The most annoying thing for me is that the holiday agreements don't carry over. 2 weeks unpaid is a lot of money lost. Theoretically, I could start with a new company tomorrow but no one is gonna take me on knowing that I'm gonna be disappearing next Wednesday on holiday. I am so screwed. I just bought a new camera and paid for my flight to the States. I can't even get that money back either.

I did something really bad today as well. On finding out the news, a whole group of us went to drown our sorrows in this izakaya that serves 50yen beer! 50yen!! But we ordered loads of food as well. I noticed throughout the night that people had started to disapppear and there was no way that I was going to get lumbered with their share of the bill. So I went to the toilet and then just thought, fuck it and walked out the door without paying a damn thing. Hell, I'm not gonna see these people again!! I know it's bad but I'm so pissed with everything that I just didn't give a shit about lumbering someone else with the whole bill.

I have tomorrow off. I guess I should start on the job search. i just don't know how I'm sposed to enjoy my holiday when I'm literally going to have to watch every penny that I spend. And it's shit because my manager quit on the spot so fuck knows what's gonna happen on Friday.

What a mess. =(

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