“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 8 April 2010

Quickly? Slowly? 分からん。

What the hell?! It's Friday tomorrow?!

This week has absolutely flown by! I think....Tuesday-Wednesday always feel like they drag on forever and then suddenly it's the weekend. Yet the months pass by so slowly. I don't get what's going on.

I'm off on my fabulous Malaysia and Singapore trip in just 3 weeks, yet it feels like a lifetime away! I'm so tired with work and everything else that's going on right now, I don't even have the energy to get excited about it! I'm sure that will change pretty soon though...especially when I think about shopping in Singapore!

I didn't realise how exhausted I was until the last couple of days. Like, I knew I was tired but now I realise that I'm past the tiredness thing...this is exhaustion. Yesterday I went to work and left my wallet at home...I'm just so glad I decided to check how much money was in my purse and realised I didn't have BEFORE I actually went to get lunch. HOW embarrassing would that have been?! The other day I left my keitai at home - we've all done that before, so you guys KNOW how annoying that is. And then today I forgot make up bag - not a big deal normally but I need to keep touching up so you can't see the ever growing black circles under my eyes. It was only when I realised that I'd forgotten it, that I realised how good my concealer actually is! It lasted all day without even remotely fading. I think it's paranoia that makes me think I need to touch it up. Definitely worth paying the extra for Estee Lauder. But you all know that I spend hundreds of pounds on make up...I love that stuff.

But time is being so weird. I feel like the weekends come around so quickly but last month was so effing slow. It literally felt like it had been March for 2 months or something. Anyone know how the hell that works? So confusing.

And on that note, I'm going to go to bed! I'm trying to make it in bed before 12.30am this week and have failed every single day...but not today!


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