“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 17 April 2010


...can't I ever get to bed at a decent time?!

I'm always moaning how tired I am, yet I can never seem to get my arse into bed early. And tonight was no exception.

I didn't go to the gym because I figured I should stay home and get my stuff ready for my trip back to Karatsu so that I don't ahve to wake up early and do it in the morning. But I haven't even done that! I gave myself a French manicure and that's about it. LOL. And I know I should've gone to the gym because I scoffed 8 doughnuts today - DON'T JUDGE!! It's not my fault - it was 8 for 300yen! Like, that is ridiculously cheap. But add that to the 6 doughnuts that I ate on Tuesday, the mammoth roll cake I scoffed last night and all the melon pans I've been eating all week and that's a lot of crap that needs to be worked off.

Why the hell can't I give up the cake!? It's just never gonna happen. Maybe I should just accept that I will never have a flat stomach ever again. The body I had before I fractured my ankle this time last year has officially disappeared forever. R.I.P.

I'm really looking forward to seeing my friends this weekend. I just hope the weather down there is better than this crappy rain/snow that's going down in Tokyo. I mean seriously, it's supposed to be spring and it's 4 degrees outside. What a joke.


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