“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 2 April 2010

Done and Dusted


After a hardcore two week battle with my head office to try and get my holidays approved for the summer, I have finally come out on top.

Man, the person I had to deal with is one stubborn bitch. And I thought I was bad!

I had so many people fighting my corner for me. I didn't ask them too, and they don't know that I know they did it. It was crazy - I had people telling HO that I need the break to keep my motivation up (you know I told you I would stay at the school I hate if they approved it) and all this other stuff. Turns out that they were worried that after the holiday, I would go back on my word and quit anyway. My manager (of the school I hate) had so much faith in me, I actually feel guilty that it was my plan to get back from holiday and then hand in my notice. Apparently she told HO that I would never do that (guilt trip 1) and then told them that if I did come back and quit, then she would quit as well. And she said she could make a statement that bold because it would never happen (guilt trip 2).

On the one hand, I'm kinda flattered that I'm valued that much that she chose to fight my corner so strongly. But on the other, I can't help but wonder if it made things worse, in that it became this whole dramatic fiasco over someone who has only been at the company for four months. Know what I mean?

But you know what, in spite of all this, the answer was still no. I was given the option of cutting my holiday down to just 10 days, which was never going to happen, seeing as the original request was 14. I'm not gonna fly all the way to the States for such a short time - I mean seriously, what a waste of money. Plus the fact that I've already made plans now. So I did the only thing I knew would make her back down.

I told her I had already booked my flights. I've been waiting for approval for 2 weeks now and I told her that when she didn't give me the final decision on the day that she said she would, I went ahead and booked anyway. She had no choice but to back down - I also offered her an alternative which would mean that no one would have to sub for me either, so everyone's happy, right?

Even though she backed down, she sent me this scathing email back. Only I took it with a pinch of salt. I'm a stubborn girl as well and the whole email stinks of the bitterness of losing. The thing is, she is pretty new to the position and I think she was trying to stamp her foot down and assert her authority - which I understand - but she was overstepping the 'acceptable stubborness' mark, because I offered her a perfectly reasonable solution, which wouldn't have put anyone out and that both my managers agreed to. She just wanted to say no. If there was no solution but to have someone sub for me, then I would understand but I offered to teach on a day where there was sposed to be no classes instead. Hardly a big deal, right? Everyone would be at school anyway - we would just be doing prep instead of teaching.

I have to hand it to her - she was tough to break. She even told me that she wasn't going to tell me to cancel the tickets this time! There's only one way THAT would've ended - and that's with me walking out the door. And she knows that. But she is SERIOUSLY pissed because I completely backed her into a corner. I think she may have thought that the backlash of me walking out in just 2 weeks if she said no was just not worth the hassle.

So yah, I got the holiday! And whilst I am well chuffed, I'm also like ARGH!!! Coz now I have to stay at the school I hate until at least the end of my contract and I'm probably Public Enemy No. 1 at head office. It's never good to be on their bad side - no matter how good a teacher you are - and it doesn't feel great. But at least I can finally get on and book my flights.

Will let you know the final FINAL dates when it's all booked and confirmed!


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