“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 10 April 2010

Sleepy Sleepy

What an exhausting week.

All of us were knackered at work today. And this week has been all Easter lessons which has just been so draining, it's not even funny. I mean, Easter is one of those holidays that, to be honest, I just forget about. And it's even easier to do that here because the stores aren't filled with chocolate eggs to remind you. All it represents for me is chocolate eggs and a great Sunday dinner...and that still doesn't mean anything unless I'm back in England. I'm not religious so it's like, having to have Easter as an event lesson as school is just a complete pain in the arse. Beyond belief.

Still 2 more days of Easter lessons to go next week as well. *sigh*. I just totally don't wanna do them. It's that little bit more energy that you're expected to put into what is already such a demanding schedule. Extra energy which I just don't have. I feel like I have a million other things on my mind...my holidays, money worries, stuff which is going down back at home right now, the state of my room, and just the feeling of being constantly exhausted and never getting enough rest coz I always have so much to do on my days off. It's a vicious cycle.

I'm watching American Idol Season 9 on TV. I've never watched American Idol before and to be honest, if I hadn't of started watching right from the beginning of the auditions, I probably wouldn't bother. I absolutely can't STAND a lot fo the contestants, but the ones I hate on the most are Didi and Lacey. Their voices absolutely KILL me!! I literally can't STAND them and I can't believe that they have made it so far - I remember watching the Hollywood Week thing and I can't believe they made it through over some of the other people that were there. Unbelievable. I normally hate Siobhan as well, but she was amazing in this Rolling Stones week - I loved her performance. But overall, the best voice by a mile is definiteyl Lee's. Bless him - he always looks absolutely petrified! I used to really love Crystal as well, but then she's gotten way too cocky for my liking and I'm so glad that the judges pulled her up on that this week.

Still prefer X Factor though! ;-)

I watched the latest episode of Gossip Girl as well tonight. Surely they're not gonna let Chuck and Blair split up?! I absolutely love them together! And that Matthew Williamson dress that Blair was rocking was abolutely STUNNING. Beyond words. I would love to have that dress...not that I have anywhere to wear it!


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