“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 7 April 2010


I was not ready for my aqua session this morning!

I was absolutely knackered but I dragged my tired arse to the gym, got down to the pool ready to go through the motions...and then realised that there was a different instructor in today.

And man, she made us work! My legs were aching so much by the end of the 30 minutes and they've been aching all day! Damn stairs at all these stations!!!

I mean, I love it because to be honest I nearly didn't go this morning - just because I'm getting bored of the same routine every week (not that I've been for a couple of weeks but never mind! ;-)) but I just wasn't in the mindset for such a hardcore workout at 10.10am!!! It totally threw me and left me tired for the whole day. Although I think going to bed so late last night might have contributed to that.

Work was really hard again today. It just feels like one thing after another - when something finally goes right, something else goes wrong. I'm so glad that I get to get away next weekend and then a proper holiday at the end of the month. It is definitely needed after being stuck in Japan for Christmas. I feel like I have so much to do but I always feel too tired to actually do anything!

I'm so glad I decided against taking on a second job - I would literally have NO time to relax if I did. I know this guy who gets up at 5.30am, goes to work in one company for like 4-5 hours and then goes to his regular job for 8 hours and then teaches private students in the evening! That extra money might be nice but talk about burning yourself out! I've seen the state he's in and that nearly could've been me if I'd taken on the other job. I have little free time as it is and I have decided that I definitely want to hang onto it!


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