“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 22 April 2010

What's The Truth?!

I'm trying not to get in a flap about being put out of a job.

But damn, there are so mnay rumours flying around, it's hard not to think about it. What's pissed me off is that we all got told about this AFTER everything had gone into effect - so we really have had no time to think about anything. Too busy being shocked.

My number one concern is my April salary. I was under the impression that we would still be paid but it was going to be late, but other people are saying that we are not going ot get paid at all. And I wanna know what's happening because there are some company holidays at the end of the month so I'm guessing they count as unpaid leave as well. I hate not knowing what's going on.

I'm going to go in tomorrow but I'm not teaching a single lesson until I know what's going on with that. There's no way in hell that I'm gonna teach if I find out that we're not getting paid for this month. It's just gonna be tense and awkward because the parents are gonna be showing up with their kids and there's gonna be some backlash for sure. My manager quit on the spot yesterday, so I don't even know who's gonna be opening up and I swear down, I will hang around all day to get answers. I 'll still teach if we get paid but everyone has so many questions and I don't wanna sign a contract without knowing you know?

It's also gonna be so tough to actually teach when there is all this worry and confusion going on. I bet so many of the students will want to quit but it got announced that there will be no refund of pre-paid tuition fees. OUCH for them! It's just going to be an absolutely nightmare and I'm a little nervous about going in to be honest!

I turned off my alarm but still ended up getting out of bed at like 8.30. I've spent most of the day feeling hungover and really sluggish. Applied to a couple of jobs and have spent the rest of the day watching online TV! I'm getting messages left, right and centre from people who were in company accommodation and they have a week to get out of their place. I'm not worried about finding other work - it's just the timing is effing terrible for all this to happen right now.

I called the airline as well to see if I could cancel my ticket to the States and it's non-refundable. I don't think I would've cancelled it anyway to be honest. I mean, I have money - i just have to go through a load of crap to try and access it because it's all in English accounts.

So much to try and sort out. Plus my company insurance has been voided so I'm thinking I really should get some for when I go on my trip next week...something else that I can't really afford to pay for right now but better safe than sorry!


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