“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Back To The Inaka!

I can't even begin to tell how great this weekend was.

Not only was it a much needed break from the city, I hadn't realised just how much I'd missed my friends until I saw them again!

This Sunday was a prime example of how a Sunday should be spent. Link your friends, go pick up a K-Burger, hit the beach, a drive up to Kagamiyama, hit the supermarket, get back to the house, whip up loads of fruit shakes and a fabulous home cooked feast, shove on a comedy and fire up the sheesah and REEEELLLLLAAAAXXXX. I spent the evening laughing so HARD it became painful. I can't even remember the last time I laughed that hard. Or felt that relaxed even. Actually, yes I do...before I started this new job. I was having a blast when I arrived in Tokyo and was enjoying those 3 months of unemployment. It made me realise that this job is sucking the life out of me! Obviously being in Tokyo is different but you know...

It was so effing fabulous just to chill out with my boys. I felt bad keeping them up on a school night but I really wanted to make the most of my time there with them. It felt great. And I got to drive which felt amazing as well. It was seriously nostalgic driving through Karatsu again - it has been 8 months which doesn't sound like a long time on paper but it felt like a lifetime ago. Especially when I think about the city life that I have now - which is totally different.

There were even times when I was driving, that I was thinking how stupid I was to leave JET. But then I soon shook that feeling off. It's not even being in the inaka that made me leave - it was the job. And even though I still would've had good friends there, I'm still kinda glad that I left when I did because so many of us left at the same time and to be honest it's such a different vibe there now. It was weird walking into this party and I just didn't know so many people....or want to know them for that matter LOL! My friends definitely weren't exaggerating when they were telling me how lame the new people were. LOLOLOLOLOL!!

But despite all of that, what a good time to have gotten away. I got back so late last night though and was just exhausted at work today. At the school that I hate to top it all off. I've decided that I'm gonna hardcore get on the jobsearch again when I get back from GW. It's just so hard to get out of the teaching thing here....I'll seriously give it a bash though because I realised this weekend that I am so fed up of being so stressed and tired and commuting so far for something that I dislike so much.

Thanks to my boys for just being THEM. Miss you and love you both.


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