“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 28 February 2011


My girl is so cute!!!!!

So she came over to hang out as we do most Mondays. She'd asked me to help her work on translating all these manuals on household appliances.

Yep - it was as boring as it sounds! I was surprised though, because it was no way near as difficult as I thought it was going to be, so we were able to whizz through them pretty quickly. I swear they're written for complete dumbasses though. I mean, in the manual on how to use a washing machine, there was instruction to "take your clothes out the machine". Well duh - you're not gonna leave them in there are you?!?!? Seriously.

Anyway, we were taking a break and my flatmate came into the kitchen. For a bigger guy, he's actually pretty light on his feet and my girl didn't hear him come in. She was looking at me and I was pointing over her shoulder. She turned around and let out this massive scream and jumped into my lap!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!

The terror on her face was priceless!!! It was absolutely HILARIOUS that even now when I think about it, I can't help but giggle! SHE JUMPED INTO MY LAP!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Cuteness. :D


Sunday 27 February 2011


This month has been a month of serious spending.

And not once, did I go shopping for shoes or clothes. That in itself is a serious achievement on my part! :D

So where did all the money go?

- A flight to the UK
- Japanese lessons at two different schools
- Commuter pass
- Kindle
- Super newest swankiest electronic dictionary available on the market
- Japanese books
- A flight to Bali (which I'll be paying for tomorrow)
- IC Recorder
- Rent
- Health Insurance
- Phone bill

So yah - not a single item of clothing in sight. To be honest, it's all compulsory!! OK, well maybe not the flight to Bali, the rest of it are investments or things that I can't get out of paying.

Next month is showing no signs of letting up on my bank balance either. I've decided that it's time that I treat myself and I'm gonna take the plunge and go for laser hair removal. A friend of mine is a massive fan....gonna start with just the armpits and take it from there. If the pain is bearable, I'll be saying goodbye to the wax and getting DOWN THERE completely zapped off!!!

Something I'm sure you all really wanted to know! HAHA! Sorry!


Friday 25 February 2011

The Millenium Trilogy

What an incredible three books from Stieg Larsson.

The third book has been the cause of 2 sleepless nights this week because I just couldn't out in down. I haven't been gripped by a book like that for a long time.

I remember when I was in Australia, I saw "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" on DVD. Although a lot of the book had been cut out (as you would expect it to be), they manage to portray the characters, especially Lisbeth Salander, PERFECTLY. When I read the book, I was gripped by the nature of the storyline, but if I'm completely honest, the film completely freaked me out! I was really scared after watching it and slept really badly that night.

I guess scared isn't the right word. More like....unsettled.

If you haven't read the trilogy already, then I highly recommend it.


Wednesday 23 February 2011


I studied for a whopping 3 and a half hours today, including my 90 minute class.

I haven't gone hardcore like that for years and now I'm knackered!

The best bit is, I think I'm really close to filling in all those blanks with the grammar basics. I haven't found it difficult to pick up the general basic rules of verb groups and sentence structure and all that malarky - I think it's just a matter of applying those rules with the more advanced grammar that I'm studying now.

It still feels a little strange to be doing the basics at one school and then be studying a pre-advanced course in another. Although everything is making MUCH more sense now I know why I'm speaking the way I am. LOL!

I wish I had a day where I can do absolutely NOTHING. I might have to take a day like that next month just so I can remember what it's like to slob around on my arse all day. I don't think there have been too many of them since I moved to Tokyo actually....shame.


Tuesday 22 February 2011


OMG sometimes I swear I just have way too much faith in people!!!!

Why can't people understand the meaning of the word "secret" and keep their damn traps shut?!?!


I've just had something I REALLY wanted to keep under wraps revealed to someone that I REALLY didn't need to know. Turns out, they've known for a while as well - much to my horror.

It's a bit of a sticky situation. Back in the day I would've gone for an all out guns blazing confrontation - and don't get me wrong, the temptation is still VERY much there - but it's kinda awkward since I would be breaking another person's confidentiality. And whilst that may be other people's style, it's not mine...not to people I don't one billion percent trust anyway. So yah, I'm guessing the best thing to do right now is to sit on it and see how things unfold. I just hate the fact that the person that blabbed think that they've gotten away with.

So unacceptable.

So morally wrong.

Biding my time.....


Monday 21 February 2011

I Am So....

....getting on a bit!!

I remember the days when I used to be able to go out all night and still make it into uni the next day - maybe not feeling fine but definitely functional.

It takes me the best part of two days to get over a hangover now.


Definitely getting old!!

Wednesday 16 February 2011

And Again...

.....It's been a fabulously productive day off.

Not only did I make it to the gym, I FINALLY went to the supermarket and stocked up. It's been ages since I've had dinner at home and everytime I finally get off my lazy arse, I realise just how much I love cooking. :D

I had my first Japanese class today. It went really well and I can't believe how quickly 90 minutes passes. It was another one of those lessons where I suddenly click on what all these things that I've been saying actually mean and learning how to say things even MORE casually than I do already. It was a lot of new imformation, but I managed to get a good, solid grasp on it pretty quickly, shocking my teacher.

I have a stonking headache this evening though - it's gonna be an early one for me.


Tuesday 15 February 2011

2 It Is!

So I went back for round two with that school I told you I wasn't impressed with the first time.

This time, it was a complete U-turn.

I was challenged to the point which has made me wonder how the hell my mind works. Because of the gaps in my grammar, I've had to go back to basics. When the guy explained the grammar to me, it just confused everything that I have known! He sat me there asking which one? I'd tell him which one and then he'd ask me why.

My answer: I haven't got a clue.

Him: Then why do you think it's this one?

My answer: I just KNOW.

That's it - I just KNOW. And now that a rule has been introduced to me, my answers aren't coming as smoothly as before because I'm thinking too much about this rule and whether what I'm saying fits this ruile.

Crazy huh?

So anyway, I've decided to join both schools. Before you cuss me out for throwing my money away, I've decided to use the 40 minute lessons to go back and review basic grammar which I have never learnt and bridge the gap that has come from not studying. Then, I'll use the 90 minute lesson at the other school to work on NEW grammar and progress with preparing for the JLPT and general conversation. I haven't gone mad and booked the 32 lessons there which I was originally going to do - I've decided to start with 8 at each place to make sure that I can handle the pace. I barely have enough free time as it is and this is gonna eat into it even more.

But I know it's something that I have to do if I'm actually serious about achieving anything.

On that note, I'm out to meet a friend who's helping me with my Kanji.

Constantly on the go. I'm looking forward to having Sunday off!


Monday 14 February 2011

Once Again...

....the rain wins!!

I am so not walking to the gym in this weather!!

But nothing can annoy me today because MY HOT PINK COVER FOR MY KINDLE ARRIVED!!!

Simple things :D


Sunday 13 February 2011


My head is pounding and I feel so tired I could actually pass out right now.

At 7pm.

I actually started off alright this morning, despite the fact that I was up late downloading books for my kindle. I know - geeky for a Saturday night, right? But 2 talking-to-you-is-like-trying-to-get-blood-from-a-stone lessons just wiped me out. By my last lesson I was just willing the clock to go faster and faster. I don't get it - why do people bother coming if they're not going to say anything?

How's it going?---->It's OK. (*GROAN*)

What have you been up to lately?---->Nothing. (*SIGH*)

Tell me about your weekend?---->Nothing. (*FFS!!!!!*)

Any special requests today?---->No. (*Great. Free effing conversation with someone who doesn't wanna talk. Shoot me already*)

Any particular topic you would like to talk about?--->No.

40 minutes of that bullshit. I had to use every bit of will I had to stifle my constant yawning and not to fall asleep right there on the desk. And this was someone that was sposed to be a low intermediate. Yeah right.

It just drives me mad sometimes and especially when it gets to Sunday, I just don't have the patience to deal with it. I am ALWAYS knackered by the weekend and I don't have the energy that's required to keep meeting new clients all day. It's draining.

Been thinking a lot about which of the Japanese schools I should join. I haven't had a second trial with the school that I wasn't impressed with the first time round but already I'm really thinking about joining both. I can understand why you might think that it's just a complete waste of money, but for me, what it boils down to is what I think I can realistically get from each place. I dunno, I'll see what happens on Tuesday.


Saturday 12 February 2011

It's Here!


I had barely put anything down before I began impatiently tearing open the box.

What a beautiful, cute, dinky piece of technology!

I spent the majority of last ngiht downloading books or buying books from the Kindle store, converting files and putting them onto the reader.

A repectable 25 books to get me started.

It's funny coz now that it's here, I'm having a complete mindblock of all the books that I've been wanting to read for ages. It felt so good to be on the train and reading!

One of the best inventions ever!

The timing couldn't be more perfect either. It's the PERFECT distraction to take my mind of everything else that's going on right now - I'm hoping that I can just stop caring about it. It REALLY shouldn't be this hard and it's like I broke and told someone about it and even she was like "why the hell are you letting this guy get to you?" So right. So true.

Done and dusted....soon! HAHA!!


Thursday 10 February 2011

F*** YOU!!!!!

F*** YOU F*** YOU F*** YOU F*** YOU F*** YOU F*** YOU

How INFURIATING can one person be?!?!??!!?

STOP with the mind f*** and just F*** off!!!!!


I HATE this =(

Wednesday 9 February 2011


I went for my trial lessons today.

I told you last time about the school that I really liked, but which was really expensive, right?

Well the first trial lesson that I had today was at that school. And I loved it! The teacher was so nice and she was able to explain things really well, backed up by good, solid examples which made the grammar easy to understand first time around. The best bit about it was that I realised that I've been using some of the grammar structures without even realising HOW to actually use them. It was cool coz I left feeling like I'd already made a little progress - and that was just after 45 minutes.

The second trial lesson I had was more of a consultation. The school is considerably cheaper but I'm in a position where I need to find a teacher that matches. There are a few reasons why I'm hesitating with this school - none of which I'm at liberty to write about here - but with some gentle persuasion, I've decided to give it another chance and have a trial lesson next week with another teacher. I think I should seeing how this school is a third of the price of the other one.

Do I go to the school that I was really impressed with but is gonna cost me over £1500, or do I go to the other school where it costs under £600 but I would run the risk of being talked about and where it's a pain in the arse to get to? It's such a mammoth price difference. I'll see what happens with the trial.

I'm actually debating joining both. Using the school I love for the hardcore, JLPT prep (which would still be fun - the teacher is LOVELY) for 90 mins and then go to the other school for maybe just conversation? I mean, the lessons there are only 40 minutes so it would be a good chance to put into practice what I learnt at the other place right? Or do you think that that would be a complete waste of money? I kinda like the idea because it means I would be taking 2 lessons a week and would get to study with 2 different teachers instead of the same person all the time. The prices that I quoted above are for 30 lessons, but with the second school, I could start with 10 lessons and see how it goes. I mean, if I decided to go JUST with the second school, then it goes without saying that I would have to book double lessons, and even that works out to be less than the other school.

I'm just not sure what the best thing to do is - what do you think?


It's On Its Way!

Could I be any more impatient for my Kindle to arrive?!

I just got an email to inform me that it's been shipped and will arrive on Friday.


I'm going crazy with the anticipation of getting stuck into my reading again. I was sucha bookworm when I was younger and as I got older, and especially since I moved to Japan, I just seemed to stop buying so many books. Every time I travel, I end up coming back to Japan with 2 or 3 but it's gonna be so much easier (and cheaper) to just order them and get them delivered straight to the Kindle in a minute.

How awesome is that?

Seriously - the Stieg Larsson triliogy is available for just $9.99 each. When I was in OZ, I bought the second and third book for AUS$26.99 each. DUMBASS! And then ended up leaving them on the train on my way back into Tokyo. EVEN BIGGER DUMBASS! I've already been shopping online so when it arrives, there will already be a few books on there to start me off.

I can't wait to see what it looks like inside its hot pink leather cover either! LOL!

Any titles that anyone recommends?


Tuesday 8 February 2011


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Sir!!!

Thirty One and still as sexy as hell!

Love you and miss you loads!

Have a good one!

Chuuurrrrrr ;-)


Monday 7 February 2011


I have definitely been flash with the cash today!!!

And what was on the shopping list?

A flight back to London and a Kindle!!!


You know that I was originally going to go back to the UK in March, but now I'm going back at the end of June for a few weeks to surprise my mum for her birthday. I didn't realise that when I booked the ticket, that I would miss the JLPT exam which I can't take in the UK in the summer. That actually really sucks because I was gonna take N3...I guess I just have to go for the N2 in December with no idea of how well I'll do. Oh well! The flight was too cheap to pass up!!

And I can't wait to start seriously reading shitloads again. Books are so expensive and the Kindle store has thousands of titles for ridiculously cheap prices and I'll be able to upload all the classics for free. SWEET! Naturally I had to buy a hot pink cover to accessorise - that goes without saying! =) I can't WAIT for it to arrive!!!!


Sunday 6 February 2011


You know who you are.

You drive me crazy that I don't know whether to slap you or kiss you!!!

Actually...yah I do...


I never thought someone could wind me up this much by being so damn ANNOYING!


Pure Filth

I had an awesome night out with the boys last night.

Now you all know that I'm pretty masculine in my attitude towards certain things and can handle a guys' conversation.

But last night was on a whole other level!!

I do dirt - filth is a whole other thing.

It doesn't offend me - it's just....DISGUSTING!!

But at the same time it was so hilarious that my body ached from laughing so much.

I haven't laughed that hard or for that long for ages. From start to finish it was just shits and giggles.

Thanks boys!


Friday 4 February 2011


I could only manage one class at the gym this evening.

Even that was a half arse attempt - I pretty much yawned my way through the whole thing. As much as I really needed to do the step class as well, I just decided not to - no need to be pushing myself that hard when I feeling so knackered.

So not made for winter - I just can't understand how people prefer this to a little (OK a load) of sweat in the summer. It's BRUTAL feeling so cold all the time. Chilled to the bones.

And today (or was it yesterday?) is the official start of spring. Yeh right! Since when did spring start at the beginning of February!?!?

Roll on summer!

The only good thing about winter is the fashion. :D


Thursday 3 February 2011


I'm probably going to jinx myself by saying this.....

....but I really can't believe how well I've been sleeping this week!

Normally I always wake up at some stupid time in the morning no matter what time I go to bed. But this week even if I've gone to bed at 11pm or 12.30am, I've managed to sleep all the way through until my alarm went off.

I've been waiting for ages for some quality sleep and I've finally been getting it! Although it doesn't seem to make that much of a difference because after an hour at work I'm completely shattered again! I've been relying on red bull wayyy too much this week as well. I wonder how many cans I get through a week...

Absolutely LOVE that stuff!


Tuesday 1 February 2011

Self Development

I think it's always a great moment when you can look at something you're doing now, turn the clock back, look at how you were doing the same thing then, and then recognise that you have changed...

...for the better.

I saw it today and in all honesty, I can't even describe my feeling when I realised just how much I've developed.

Relief? Disbelief? Triumph? Confidence?


It was simply....a sense of achievement. Because being able to SEE that difference is confirmation that you have been doing OK.

And knowing that I've been doing OK has put a relieved, modest little smile on my face.

I'm doing OK.

