“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 15 February 2011

2 It Is!

So I went back for round two with that school I told you I wasn't impressed with the first time.

This time, it was a complete U-turn.

I was challenged to the point which has made me wonder how the hell my mind works. Because of the gaps in my grammar, I've had to go back to basics. When the guy explained the grammar to me, it just confused everything that I have known! He sat me there asking which one? I'd tell him which one and then he'd ask me why.

My answer: I haven't got a clue.

Him: Then why do you think it's this one?

My answer: I just KNOW.

That's it - I just KNOW. And now that a rule has been introduced to me, my answers aren't coming as smoothly as before because I'm thinking too much about this rule and whether what I'm saying fits this ruile.

Crazy huh?

So anyway, I've decided to join both schools. Before you cuss me out for throwing my money away, I've decided to use the 40 minute lessons to go back and review basic grammar which I have never learnt and bridge the gap that has come from not studying. Then, I'll use the 90 minute lesson at the other school to work on NEW grammar and progress with preparing for the JLPT and general conversation. I haven't gone mad and booked the 32 lessons there which I was originally going to do - I've decided to start with 8 at each place to make sure that I can handle the pace. I barely have enough free time as it is and this is gonna eat into it even more.

But I know it's something that I have to do if I'm actually serious about achieving anything.

On that note, I'm out to meet a friend who's helping me with my Kanji.

Constantly on the go. I'm looking forward to having Sunday off!


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