“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 13 February 2011


My head is pounding and I feel so tired I could actually pass out right now.

At 7pm.

I actually started off alright this morning, despite the fact that I was up late downloading books for my kindle. I know - geeky for a Saturday night, right? But 2 talking-to-you-is-like-trying-to-get-blood-from-a-stone lessons just wiped me out. By my last lesson I was just willing the clock to go faster and faster. I don't get it - why do people bother coming if they're not going to say anything?

How's it going?---->It's OK. (*GROAN*)

What have you been up to lately?---->Nothing. (*SIGH*)

Tell me about your weekend?---->Nothing. (*FFS!!!!!*)

Any special requests today?---->No. (*Great. Free effing conversation with someone who doesn't wanna talk. Shoot me already*)

Any particular topic you would like to talk about?--->No.

40 minutes of that bullshit. I had to use every bit of will I had to stifle my constant yawning and not to fall asleep right there on the desk. And this was someone that was sposed to be a low intermediate. Yeah right.

It just drives me mad sometimes and especially when it gets to Sunday, I just don't have the patience to deal with it. I am ALWAYS knackered by the weekend and I don't have the energy that's required to keep meeting new clients all day. It's draining.

Been thinking a lot about which of the Japanese schools I should join. I haven't had a second trial with the school that I wasn't impressed with the first time round but already I'm really thinking about joining both. I can understand why you might think that it's just a complete waste of money, but for me, what it boils down to is what I think I can realistically get from each place. I dunno, I'll see what happens on Tuesday.


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