“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 22 April 2012

Gomen Gomen!!!!

OMG I feel soooo bad!!!

I totally made a client cry today.

And we're not talking about a little sniffle and eyes welling up here...

I'm talking, like, C-R-Y-I-N-G.


I've taught her before and I remember in the first lesson I saw her I did so much work with her on how to expand when she talks and the different techniques that she should adopt to help her. She's an intermediate client and I'm always much tougher coz they're at a level where they should be pushing themselves harder.

So I was catching up with her and she was bouncing back these one word answers, so when I was writing down something on the paper, I kinda just bombarded her with questions like "Who did you go with?", "What did you do?", "Why did you think that?" I don't know if it's coz I wasn't looking at her when I was saying them, or because I reeled them off so fast that made the approach seem much more aggressive than I intended it to be, but when I looked up, she had just started crying.

I was so shocked! She had taken my lesson before and it was exactly the same and coz we'd covered the whole expansion thing before I couldn't get what was wrong.

And then she asked me:

"Why are you angry at me?!"

I was like OMG nooooo!! The poor thing thought that coz I was asking her questions when I was writing something down and then went quiet (which was supposed to be her thinking time to answer them), she thought I was mad at her for not being able to answer the question.


OMG I felt so bad!!! I had to tell her about 4 or 5 times that I wasn't mad at her and kept apologizing over and over. Then the tears just suddenly stopped and she was smiling again.


I flagged it with another member of staff coz I wanted to make sure that she was OK at the end of the lesson.

And then later I got told that she was super happy with the lesson and there was no problem.


Hmmmmm......super suspicious of that.......with the evaluation system in place, I'm sure I'm gonna find out soon how she REALLY felt.

Still feel bad though. Gonna have to watch that I think!! To be honest though, I was actually surprised she even came back for another lesson with me coz after the first one, I honestly felt that my teaching style was stricter than she could handle, so it was a shock to see her again.

I guess we'll see!


1 comment:

Ash Steph said...

I think she can understand your passion for teaching.
She is really smart, so I guess she won't take that wrong way!

I wanna take your passionate lesson;)