“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Go Team GB!!!!

There are absolutely no words for the atmosphere in London.

It is absolutely BUZZING!!!

I had such a fantastic weekend meeting up with a few friends and soaking up the Olympic atmosphere in central London. It's truly amazing how everyone's patriotism comes out when you are hosting the games - myself included! The number of us walking around with Union Jacks and T-shirts showing incredible support is overwhelming and we are just bursting with pride!!

After an incredible, and somewhat emotional, Opening Ceremony, I've never felt more proud to be British. And today, watching the men's gymnastics, I was so, so incredibly proud of Team GB to win a medal. I just think it was a shame for them to think that they had the silver, only to be bumped into 3rd after Japan's appeal. 

Not so sure how I feel about that.

Of course, everyone has the right to appeal, but at the end of the day, Uchimura did fall!! It's Japan's own pride and the fact that they were favourites for the gold (if they hadn't of appealed, they would have finished in 4th and ended up with nothing) that wouldn't allow them to accept the original results. Getting bronze is still an incredible achievement for the GB team, but you had to feel sorry for Ukraine - thinking they got the bronze and then ending up with nothing.

A slight bit of resentment towards Japan for doing that. Don't forget that they uffed up in the vault as well, whereas Team GB showed a way more solid and consistent performance in all the events. I just feel like they deserved that silver a lot more than the Japanese team.

I got to see the women's road cycling yesterday as well which was a little exciting - minus the bit of rain! 

The swimming has been an absolute delight to watch as well and I've also watched events like archery, weightlifting, table tennis and archery - all events which I have never bothered watching before. Loving  every second of it and it's such a pleasure to walk around the area by the Olympic park and seeing all the supporters from all different countries - as well as members of the Olympic teams shopping along with the rest of us! You can't help but walk around with a huge grin on your face at the sight of everything. Not to mention the sheer stunningness of London and of the Olympic Park. So beautiful.

And it seems that I've been really lucky with the weather too! Apart from yesterday, I haven't seen any rain and it's been gorgeously warm and sunny. The type of weather which makes London look even more stunning.

I have to say, if the job prospects in this country were a little better, I would consider moving back. Seriously. But as it stands, I can earn a lot more working in Japan and I've decided to get down to business and start saving a bit more. Feel more motivated to work harder....until I actually think about the job I'm going back to and then that motivation disappears a little.

Oh well.

Just going to concentrate on enjoying the Olympics. That's what this summer is all about.



Monday 23 July 2012

Come Dine With Me

Since I've been back, I've been addicted to all these cooking shows.

Jamie's 30 minute meals and Come Dine With Me are right at the top! Absolutely loving these shows and am glued to the TV every morning! It's so nice as well coz my mum's fridge is usually full with all the stuff I need to make these dishes as soon as the show finishes.

Love it!

Sunday 22 July 2012

Beautiful London

Rain?! What rain?!

Seems like I've brought back a bit of the Japanese sun with me - haven't seen a single day of rain since I've been back! =) 

I was a bit apprehensive because all I've head for the last month of so is how it's been absolutely pouring every day and everyone I'd talked to had just been miserable....like the weather. 

But on the day I landed, it's was gorgeously sunny and that sunny streak seems to have continued and will continue all week! 9.30am on a Sunday morning and beautiful sunlight is just streaming through my mum's house and it is so beautiful. Especially because the garden looks so insanely, lushily green!

I am so excited for this week - the Olympics will finally begin! I was in central London yesterday and the true magnitude of the whole event hit me....as did the shittiness of the Tube! My goodness me - every single train I got on stopped in between stations and then when I was finally making it back to my parents' house, the train pulled out the station, went about 100m and then reversed back into the platform and we all had to get off!! That's a first for me!

Seriously though, all around London all the tube maps have been updated to include the different Olympic venues - everything seems prepared but they need to get their arse in gear if they're gonna realistically handle the insane number of tourists that are gonna be heading in over the next couple of weeks. I hit up Portobello Rd with my girl yesterday and it was absolutely rammed with tourists - an annoying but somewhat thrilling experience for me as I once again found myself surrounded by so many different nationalities - something experienced so very, very rarely in Japan.

It was so nice walking around the market, grabbing street food, and then heading into this cute, lil warehouse where we enjoyed a bottle of wine and some live soul. The perfect way to spend an afternoon!

I did want to head over to Tower Hamlets to check out the Olympic Torch route before it hit central London, but on seeing my girl's pictures of it and then realising what the crowds would be like, we opted to go to the pub instead! LOL!!

Back off to Sloane Sq. I felt seriously nostalgic as I was wondering through Victoria, Pimlico, King's Rd - all my old neighbourhood haunts. Though I felt a little sad to see that King's Rd seems to have lost it's "special" flare and become more high street. The pub I wanted to go to wasn't even there anymore and there was so much construction work going on. As we headed back into Victoria, I barely recognized some of the locations - I used to work around there and it took me a sec to realise where we were. So strange.

First Sunday back...you know what this means?!


And today, it's gonna be lamb. And I'm going to make meringue for dessert.



Saturday 21 July 2012

Back In The Shire!

What a nice, relaxing first day back I've had.

Jetlag hit me pretty bad yesterday and as hard as I tried to stay up, I completely knocked out by 9pm. After an uninterrupted 11 hours of sleep, I woke up and indulged in crumpets and a cup of tea. A perfect breakfast!

Today has just been about making appointments and hitting up the shops to stock up on toiletries and that all important trip to Tesco.

I LOVE British supermarkets and they are definitely one of the things I miss most about the UK. I literally wanted to buy EVERYTHING and loaded up the trolley with 126 quid's worth of goodies including Jamaican ginger cake, granary bread, bakewell tarts, cheese, lamb, fish and so much other stuff. I miss it all.

Now I'm just settling down watching the Olympic football - GBR vs. Brazil. Not too hopeful about the GBR team after the shocking performance in Euro 2012, but we'll see!

Off to London to see the Olympic Torch - super excited!


Wednesday 18 July 2012

I. Hate. Packing

One of the most annoying things about going anywhere is packing.


It's not like it's hard - I mean, I'm only taking a week's worth of clothes back with me coz I wanna do a whole load of shopping, but even then I just can't be arsed to pack.

I've had friends staying with me over the last 4/5 days and even though it was absolutely lovely to see them, I'm glad to have the space back just so I can get on with all this crap that I have to do.

Hit the gym this morning and then paid a whole loada bills. I have to pay my rent for next month before I go as well, so I am going back with way less money that I anticipated....which isn't a bad thing because since pay day is 25th, it means that I'll be coming back to a healthy bank account and won't have to scrimp and save my way through August.

It's still kinda crappy though because I wanted to do some SERIOUS shopping and just buy loads of new clothes. (T T) Oh well.

It always feels so weird to be going back...this time is no exception, but I am WAY more excited than I have been before to go back. I just can't wait to get all absorbed in the Olympic atmosphere.




Tuesday 17 July 2012

Go! Go! Go!

It's only when I have someone else staying with me that I realise that I'm pretty much on the go all the time.

Even when I think I'm being lazy, I'm really not.

I've loved having my girl stay with me for the past few days, but I've still had to work everyday so we're pretty much only hanging out in the evenings.

Straight home from work and it's time to cook dinner. I LOVE cooking for other people though and it's been nice to be able to cook a huge meal and then not be eating it for the next few days. Then we've been settling down in front of Community with a bottle of wine.

She's leaving to go back to Malaysia today.....and then my Kyushu boy is heading over tonight!!

Tomorrow is gonna be mad busy as I attempt to hit the gym, pay all my bills, back and clean before my early morning flight on Thursday. On top of that, add in 2 more days at work finishing at 10pm and 9.15pm.


It's defintielu going to be a rush tomorrow, that's for sure!!


Sunday 15 July 2012

Lazy Sundays

The run up to going back home is always crazy.

Starting from Friday, the next month is going to be one of the best of the year, but also one of the most hectic.

Last year when I went home, I always worked around other people's schedules - meeting them when THEY were free, going out on a limb to get to places that were convenient for THEM.

But this year, it's going to be the other way around. If people are about when I'm about, then I'll meet them. If they're not....well, that's just too bad.

Anyway, on Friday my friend from Kyushu was in town. I had such a fun night - it started with Mexican with a couple of other friends and ended up with darts, Uno, jenga and some embarrassing dares! Haven't done anything like that in years!!! HAHAHAHA!

And then last night my girl got in from Nagoya. I'm still working every day so we are having a mammoth lazy Sunday with loads of food and online TV!!! Just the way a Sunday should be spent - especially when it's so hot outside and I can't get to the beach!!

Only a few days to go - I can't believe that I'm heading back to the UK in just 4 days!!! Doesn't feel real...

...but it will when I'm trying to pack at the last minute!!


Wednesday 11 July 2012

Oink Oink!!

OMG I just HAVE to write about someone I saw today.

It is gonna make me sound soooo mean and you know I'm not...

....most of the time!


I'm not gonna say where I saw this girl or anything, but OMG I have never seen a nose like hers in my life.

A pure snout.

No joke.

The second I saw her, I actually thought that her nose was worse than a pigs. It looked like it was totally stuck on.

I literally couldn't stop staring at it!!

I wonder if it was some surgery gone wrong....or if that was natural, then why the hell hasn't she had surgery to fix it?!?!?!

My goodness me!!

I couldn't help it. Up went the left side of my upper lip as I screwed my face up at the sight of just how **** this woman was.

I'm not a b**** really!!!! But honestly - you'd have something to say to if you saw it!!

Don't judge me - I'm only human.


Helloooooo Summer!

28 degrees and the sun is shining and there is a gorgeous breeze going on outside.

At last - summer is well and truly here!


Just got back from the gym after a really good aqua dance class. On my walk home, I was just LOVING the feel of the heat on my skin and listening to trance. It almost felt like I was away on holiday - if I closed my eyes I could imagine lying on th beach.

and then I'd breathe in the exhaust fumes and remember where I was - LOL!!

I'm dying for another beach holiday already!!! Yeah, yeah I went to Guam but that was over a month ago now!! Looking forward to getting in some beach time after I come back from the UK. The sunsets down by Enoshima and Zushi are stunning in August so I'm excited about that.

But thinking more short time, my girl is coming over from Nagoya for a few days before she heads back to the UK this weekend. So excited! And I'm catching up wiht my other girl who will also be going to the UK at the same time as me!

Now the challenge - let's see if I can keep this positive momentum going when I get into work!

Probably not!



Tuesday 10 July 2012

Don't F*** With Me Today

God I am in an absolutely foul mood today.

It kinda started last night (for reasons which I'm not going to get into) and then that combined with a lack of sleep didn't get my day off to a good start.

Then when I got into work, it was one thing after another which just turned my mood even more sour.

Sometimes I really wonder if I've been tricked into doing things. Always giving so much and getting absolutely bugger all back in return.

And then I have so many other things to worry about - not to mention a million things that I'm seriously pissed off about and a few people that I am seriously pissed AT. And if you are wondering if it's you, then you probably have reason to think that and therefore, I probably AM pissed at you. If you bothered to contact me, I could let you all know for sure! :P

God I'm really looking forward to going back to the UK next week. Really I am.

I need a break.


Monday 9 July 2012

A True Champion

I got into bed at 10pm last night with the intention of having an early night.

I tried, I really did.

But I just couldn't forget that the Wimbledon final was about to start. I was just about to turn out the light when I jumped outta bed, turned on the TV, flicked to NHK....

.....and there it was.

Waiting for me! =)

I worked it that as long as the match didn't last for more than 5 hours, I'd be able to suffer the consequences today. That would take me to 3am, leaving me with just 2 hours sleep - tough, but a crap loada red bull would be able to sort me out through a shorter day at work.

So I got a blanket, spread out on the couch and started watching.

My god the atmosphere was electric - I wasn't sitting still for long I'll tell ya! The first game alone had me on the edge of the seat as Murray went up a break. He was playing incredible tennis in the first set and after he had taken it 6-3, I couldn't help but get SERIOUSLY excited.

Could he really do this?

No surprise that Federer came back and took the second. Then it started to rain. I was lying there on the sofa and even though I knew that they were going to put the roof on, I was looking at the clock wondering when it would all start again. Should I wait? Should I go to bed?

I held on for about 10 minutes or so when I realised that I just HAD to go to bed. It was already late and I wasn't gonna get enough sleep as it was. I'll tell you though - if play hadn't of been suspended for even that short time, I would have stayed up and watched the whole thing.

When my alarm went off this morning, the first thing I did was grab my phone and check online for the results.

I wasn't surprised that Federer won, but of course I felt gutted for Murray. I was hoping for a closer match as I was checking out the scores.

I'm downloading the game now and am gonna pick up where I left off last night. I watched the final moments and I know that I'm gonna ball when I see Murray give his speech! Gutted!

But Federer. 7 times Wimbledon champion, 17 Grand Slams. He is just stunning. An absolutely stunning player. I'm looking forward to seeing if he can add an Olympic gold medal to his collection - and I'll be rooting for him to do just that!

Tennis players have so much class and sophistication. Especially when you compare them to footballers! Their wealth is there to see, but it's not flaunted in annoyingly extravagant ways - the wives and girlfriends aren't dressing up in next to nothing and heading out for a night on the town in hope of getting snapped by the paparrazzi.

And if you were paying close attention to detail like me, I'm sure you noticed the insane SICKNESS of Federer's rose gold Rolex. CHER-CHING!!! That man is STYLING like no one's business!! He looks and plays the part of a true champion.



Sunday 8 July 2012

Lazy Sunday

After a boring day at work, I got back home, hooked my computer up to the TV and have spent literally hours catching up with Wimbledon.

I watched both the mens' semi-finals games.

I really enjoyed both games!! I was a bit disappointed that Djokovic got thrashed so easily, but you can't deny the pure genius of Federer's game.

It's gonna be such an exciting final. It's just crappy that I'm gonna have to wait for someone to upload it before I can watch anything but the highlights.


Saturday 7 July 2012

Go Murray Go!!!

I am SO excited about Wimbledon this year!!!


Because for the first time in a whopping 73 (or is it 74?) years, a Brit has mad it to the final!!!

I am SO CHUFFED for Andy Murray! Whether he wins or loses, he has already achieved so much just getting there! It will be a tough much - Federer is looking in mighty fine form from what I've seen of the highlights but it will be good. I know it!

I would love to be able to watch it live but with the time difference and me starting work at 7am on Monday, that's just not gonna happen, but I intend to download it and watch it on Monday. I'm downloading the semi-finals as we speak. =)

One of these days, I'm actually gonna queue up for hours and hours and get myself tickets to the final so I can watch in person. I want to be back in the UK for Christmas next year, so it won't be then but maybe in a couple of years I'll make sure I'm back in the UK for the whole tournament. 

Super excited!!

Even though I'll already know the result, I'll still be able to enjoy watching the game. And let's face it, Henman disappointed us for years on end - now the whole country is pinning it's hopes on poor Andy Murray's shoulders.

Wimbledon has always supported Federer. Apart from when he was up against Nadal or Murray, I've always supported Federer. He is such an exquisite player with such a beautiful and sophisticated game. I just hope it's a stonker of a final and goes for 5 hours like the Federer-Nadal final a couple of years ago.

Even if Murray loses, I'll still be happy that Federer won. I can't hate the guy - no matter how hard I try! LOL!

It's only a couple of weeks until I get back to the UK and I have to say that I am really looking forward to it! Not even just for the Olympic atmosphere, but I am gonna catch up with so many people and I'm looking forward to plonking my arse in front of the TV and watching it all happen just as much as I am looking forward to going to the stadium and just as much as I'm looking forward to sitting in the pub and soaking up the atmosphere. I'm excited about my trips to Wales and Ireland - places I haven't been since I was a kid. I'm excited about baking and cooking with my mum, going shopping, DRIVING and just lounging around without having to think about work, or study, gorging on British food.

What am I not looking forward to?

The flight, the insane cost of the underground, the crowds, the inflated prices in London and the Tube with no air con. THAT is gonna be AWFUL after being spoilt for 5 years with air conditioned public transport. At least it won't be as sweaty and humid, so that's always a good thing!

It's gonna be a good summer!



Thursday 5 July 2012

Summer Is Here

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous over the last couple of days and I am just loving the heat!!

It might be humid, it might be a bit sweaty but it is WAY BETTER than a Japanese winter, so I absolutely refuse to complain.

The only thing I have to complain about is the damn air con!!

It is getting really hard having to work in a freezer every day. There is absolutely no need to be blazing the air con like that!! Even in the stores, it's literally like stepping into a room made out of ice. So unnecessary.

Even though it was a little tough last year, I still wish we were on a more hardcore saving electricity path!! At least then I won't be sat there shivering on the trains and at work....or even when shopping.

So cold.

So unnecessary - and it's only the beginning of July!! I hate to think what the air con is gonna be like next month when it gets SERIOUSLY hot.


Can't wait to get back to England and enjoy sitting outside in pubs and restaurants. I badly miss that in Tokyo!! And there are even more people that I realised that are gonna be in town when I'm back, so I am SUPER excited to catch up with everyone.

Not long to go now!!


Wednesday 4 July 2012


I got up this morning and was all motivated to go to the gym.

I power walked there in about 20 minutes, went to go in, reached into my bag...

...and realised I'd left my wallet at home!!


If I'd just needed the membership card to get in, I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem that I didn't have it - they could easily just look my name up on the computer. But you need the membership card to lock the locker and even though I asked them if they could just give me a dummy one or something, they said no.

So annoyed. I was completely ready to get in the pool for some aqua.

And so I just turned around and power walked back home. Guess it's better than nothing at all right?

There's another aqua class later, so I could go to that one I guess. I dunno - I like going to the gym in the morning and there's loads of stuff I wanna do today.

We'll see.


Monday 2 July 2012


I know that I work stupid crazy amounts, but I always though that it was fine coz I have like mornings or afternoons off.

But what I found today after my morning shift was that I was absolutely knackered for my Japanese class and then when I came home, I was just too tired to do anything. I put on some laundry, made some lunch and then plonked my arse on the sofa and haven't moved since.

Not the most productive way to spend an afternoon or evening.

From September I wanna work out a new schedule that actually incorporates some viable study time. I know that I have study time now, but to be honest, I'm too tired from work to give it the concentration that it needs. I need to actually work out a time when I can study productively outside of my Japanese class.

Especially since from September, I'm going to be hitting the study for JLPT Level 1!!!! 

The gap between 2 and 1 is so insanely humungous - first attempt in 18 months but I know that it's not gonna happen. But if I can work out a schedule that will allow for some serious study then that would be great. I also wanna work my schedule around the classes at the gym so that I can justify paying so much every month.

I've been working the same hours for such a long time, that it's weird to suddenly change my schedule. But it'll be worth it if it means that I can exercise, study and do yoga. All I have to do is work out how to fix the schedule without scheduling too much on one day and still take home the same money. I thought about doing it so I can have 3 days off a week and still take home the same cash, but OMG I don't wanna put in those intensive hours 4 days a week - I'd go absolutely crazy!!


Sunday 1 July 2012

A Kick Up The Butt

Today my friend showed me this amazing video on Youtube.

It was about this guy who was told that he was never gonna be able to walk unassisted again. He ended up spending a lot of time at home and getting seriously fat.

And then he got hooked up with a yoga teacher who agreed to help him. With hard work and discipline, he lost something like 140 pounds in 6 months and ended up walking and running again.

So inspirational.

It really is mind over matter. Quite simply: Never. Give. Up.

Much easier said than done, but I've decided that a much more positive attitude to life is better than thinking about the bad stuff that could happen.

I really need to get into yoga. There are classes at my gym but they are rammed. And my friend said that there is never enough instruction. He has a DVD so we're planning to do it at my place.

How fun!

I've never done it before, so it might be a good idea to start out at home and then join the gym class when I have some idea about what I'm doing.

My horoscope as well was talking about the same kinda thing - how even though I may not have achieved a goal I wanted this time, it's not because I can't do it - it's because I'm not ready. It said that if I persevered and never gave up, then eventually my time will come. To be honest, it always feels like I'm waiting for my time to come. But hey, I'm gonna try this method out and see how it goes.
