“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 2 July 2012


I know that I work stupid crazy amounts, but I always though that it was fine coz I have like mornings or afternoons off.

But what I found today after my morning shift was that I was absolutely knackered for my Japanese class and then when I came home, I was just too tired to do anything. I put on some laundry, made some lunch and then plonked my arse on the sofa and haven't moved since.

Not the most productive way to spend an afternoon or evening.

From September I wanna work out a new schedule that actually incorporates some viable study time. I know that I have study time now, but to be honest, I'm too tired from work to give it the concentration that it needs. I need to actually work out a time when I can study productively outside of my Japanese class.

Especially since from September, I'm going to be hitting the study for JLPT Level 1!!!! 

The gap between 2 and 1 is so insanely humungous - first attempt in 18 months but I know that it's not gonna happen. But if I can work out a schedule that will allow for some serious study then that would be great. I also wanna work my schedule around the classes at the gym so that I can justify paying so much every month.

I've been working the same hours for such a long time, that it's weird to suddenly change my schedule. But it'll be worth it if it means that I can exercise, study and do yoga. All I have to do is work out how to fix the schedule without scheduling too much on one day and still take home the same money. I thought about doing it so I can have 3 days off a week and still take home the same cash, but OMG I don't wanna put in those intensive hours 4 days a week - I'd go absolutely crazy!!


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