“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 18 July 2012

I. Hate. Packing

One of the most annoying things about going anywhere is packing.


It's not like it's hard - I mean, I'm only taking a week's worth of clothes back with me coz I wanna do a whole load of shopping, but even then I just can't be arsed to pack.

I've had friends staying with me over the last 4/5 days and even though it was absolutely lovely to see them, I'm glad to have the space back just so I can get on with all this crap that I have to do.

Hit the gym this morning and then paid a whole loada bills. I have to pay my rent for next month before I go as well, so I am going back with way less money that I anticipated....which isn't a bad thing because since pay day is 25th, it means that I'll be coming back to a healthy bank account and won't have to scrimp and save my way through August.

It's still kinda crappy though because I wanted to do some SERIOUS shopping and just buy loads of new clothes. (T T) Oh well.

It always feels so weird to be going back...this time is no exception, but I am WAY more excited than I have been before to go back. I just can't wait to get all absorbed in the Olympic atmosphere.




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