“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Go Team GB!!!!

There are absolutely no words for the atmosphere in London.

It is absolutely BUZZING!!!

I had such a fantastic weekend meeting up with a few friends and soaking up the Olympic atmosphere in central London. It's truly amazing how everyone's patriotism comes out when you are hosting the games - myself included! The number of us walking around with Union Jacks and T-shirts showing incredible support is overwhelming and we are just bursting with pride!!

After an incredible, and somewhat emotional, Opening Ceremony, I've never felt more proud to be British. And today, watching the men's gymnastics, I was so, so incredibly proud of Team GB to win a medal. I just think it was a shame for them to think that they had the silver, only to be bumped into 3rd after Japan's appeal. 

Not so sure how I feel about that.

Of course, everyone has the right to appeal, but at the end of the day, Uchimura did fall!! It's Japan's own pride and the fact that they were favourites for the gold (if they hadn't of appealed, they would have finished in 4th and ended up with nothing) that wouldn't allow them to accept the original results. Getting bronze is still an incredible achievement for the GB team, but you had to feel sorry for Ukraine - thinking they got the bronze and then ending up with nothing.

A slight bit of resentment towards Japan for doing that. Don't forget that they uffed up in the vault as well, whereas Team GB showed a way more solid and consistent performance in all the events. I just feel like they deserved that silver a lot more than the Japanese team.

I got to see the women's road cycling yesterday as well which was a little exciting - minus the bit of rain! 

The swimming has been an absolute delight to watch as well and I've also watched events like archery, weightlifting, table tennis and archery - all events which I have never bothered watching before. Loving  every second of it and it's such a pleasure to walk around the area by the Olympic park and seeing all the supporters from all different countries - as well as members of the Olympic teams shopping along with the rest of us! You can't help but walk around with a huge grin on your face at the sight of everything. Not to mention the sheer stunningness of London and of the Olympic Park. So beautiful.

And it seems that I've been really lucky with the weather too! Apart from yesterday, I haven't seen any rain and it's been gorgeously warm and sunny. The type of weather which makes London look even more stunning.

I have to say, if the job prospects in this country were a little better, I would consider moving back. Seriously. But as it stands, I can earn a lot more working in Japan and I've decided to get down to business and start saving a bit more. Feel more motivated to work harder....until I actually think about the job I'm going back to and then that motivation disappears a little.

Oh well.

Just going to concentrate on enjoying the Olympics. That's what this summer is all about.



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