“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 22 July 2012

Beautiful London

Rain?! What rain?!

Seems like I've brought back a bit of the Japanese sun with me - haven't seen a single day of rain since I've been back! =) 

I was a bit apprehensive because all I've head for the last month of so is how it's been absolutely pouring every day and everyone I'd talked to had just been miserable....like the weather. 

But on the day I landed, it's was gorgeously sunny and that sunny streak seems to have continued and will continue all week! 9.30am on a Sunday morning and beautiful sunlight is just streaming through my mum's house and it is so beautiful. Especially because the garden looks so insanely, lushily green!

I am so excited for this week - the Olympics will finally begin! I was in central London yesterday and the true magnitude of the whole event hit me....as did the shittiness of the Tube! My goodness me - every single train I got on stopped in between stations and then when I was finally making it back to my parents' house, the train pulled out the station, went about 100m and then reversed back into the platform and we all had to get off!! That's a first for me!

Seriously though, all around London all the tube maps have been updated to include the different Olympic venues - everything seems prepared but they need to get their arse in gear if they're gonna realistically handle the insane number of tourists that are gonna be heading in over the next couple of weeks. I hit up Portobello Rd with my girl yesterday and it was absolutely rammed with tourists - an annoying but somewhat thrilling experience for me as I once again found myself surrounded by so many different nationalities - something experienced so very, very rarely in Japan.

It was so nice walking around the market, grabbing street food, and then heading into this cute, lil warehouse where we enjoyed a bottle of wine and some live soul. The perfect way to spend an afternoon!

I did want to head over to Tower Hamlets to check out the Olympic Torch route before it hit central London, but on seeing my girl's pictures of it and then realising what the crowds would be like, we opted to go to the pub instead! LOL!!

Back off to Sloane Sq. I felt seriously nostalgic as I was wondering through Victoria, Pimlico, King's Rd - all my old neighbourhood haunts. Though I felt a little sad to see that King's Rd seems to have lost it's "special" flare and become more high street. The pub I wanted to go to wasn't even there anymore and there was so much construction work going on. As we headed back into Victoria, I barely recognized some of the locations - I used to work around there and it took me a sec to realise where we were. So strange.

First Sunday back...you know what this means?!


And today, it's gonna be lamb. And I'm going to make meringue for dessert.



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