“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 7 July 2012

Go Murray Go!!!

I am SO excited about Wimbledon this year!!!


Because for the first time in a whopping 73 (or is it 74?) years, a Brit has mad it to the final!!!

I am SO CHUFFED for Andy Murray! Whether he wins or loses, he has already achieved so much just getting there! It will be a tough much - Federer is looking in mighty fine form from what I've seen of the highlights but it will be good. I know it!

I would love to be able to watch it live but with the time difference and me starting work at 7am on Monday, that's just not gonna happen, but I intend to download it and watch it on Monday. I'm downloading the semi-finals as we speak. =)

One of these days, I'm actually gonna queue up for hours and hours and get myself tickets to the final so I can watch in person. I want to be back in the UK for Christmas next year, so it won't be then but maybe in a couple of years I'll make sure I'm back in the UK for the whole tournament. 

Super excited!!

Even though I'll already know the result, I'll still be able to enjoy watching the game. And let's face it, Henman disappointed us for years on end - now the whole country is pinning it's hopes on poor Andy Murray's shoulders.

Wimbledon has always supported Federer. Apart from when he was up against Nadal or Murray, I've always supported Federer. He is such an exquisite player with such a beautiful and sophisticated game. I just hope it's a stonker of a final and goes for 5 hours like the Federer-Nadal final a couple of years ago.

Even if Murray loses, I'll still be happy that Federer won. I can't hate the guy - no matter how hard I try! LOL!

It's only a couple of weeks until I get back to the UK and I have to say that I am really looking forward to it! Not even just for the Olympic atmosphere, but I am gonna catch up with so many people and I'm looking forward to plonking my arse in front of the TV and watching it all happen just as much as I am looking forward to going to the stadium and just as much as I'm looking forward to sitting in the pub and soaking up the atmosphere. I'm excited about my trips to Wales and Ireland - places I haven't been since I was a kid. I'm excited about baking and cooking with my mum, going shopping, DRIVING and just lounging around without having to think about work, or study, gorging on British food.

What am I not looking forward to?

The flight, the insane cost of the underground, the crowds, the inflated prices in London and the Tube with no air con. THAT is gonna be AWFUL after being spoilt for 5 years with air conditioned public transport. At least it won't be as sweaty and humid, so that's always a good thing!

It's gonna be a good summer!



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