“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 31 March 2013


I had an awesome time this afternoon catching up with one of my friends from Kyushu that I don't think I've seen for at least 4 years.

It's such a big city, but it's amazing how many people that you run into in Tokyo. Even stranger is how connected everyone is - it turns out that my friend knows people that I work with as well as ex-coworkers. Such a small world!

Anyway, after I was drone at work, I headed out to meet him. It was great to catch up after such a long time and see what he'd been up to. And on top of that, I got treated to some Trinidadian cuisine.

The best thing about having dinner with West Indians is that you get a PROPER portion of food. 

And when I say a proper portion, I mean that you can't see the plate.

Nom, nom, nom.

Seriously delicious - it was nice to have someone cook for me for a change! I've been cooking myself or going out for dinner loads recently, so it was so nice to kick back and just let someone else feed me! LOL!

Good times.


Saturday 30 March 2013


KK, back to the North.

After a couple of nights in Wellington, I took the super long bus ride up to Taupo. I decided that that was gonna be my base to do the Tongariro Alpine Crossing.

Even though the bus ride was long, it flew by because the driver was so entertaining. As we were on our way, we passed the Crossing and I started to feel really nervous as the magnitude of what I was planning to do started to creep up on me.

The weather was great when I arrived - I was really lucky because there was seriously heavy rain in the south and I had heard on the news that the Milford Sound track was flooded. I felt so happy to have missed out of a load of crap weather!

Taupo is a really cool town. Lake Taupo is the largest lake in New Zealand and is beautiful. This was going to be my destination for a skydive but the whole thing worked out so ridiculously expensive, I couldn't decide whether to do it or not. By the time I had decided that I WAS gonna do, I was told that the weather was gonna be too cloudy and a bit rainy to jump. Pissed. After all that time I spent psyching myself up for it! New Zealand is certainly a drain on the wallet, that's for sure.

The second day I was there, I took a walk to Huka Falls. I had underestimated how far it was and how long it would take, so the whole time I was walking, I was worried about whether I would be OK doing the Tongariro Crossing the next day. 

I'm gonna do a whole other entry on the crossing, so I'll get back to that later.

In the meantime, enjoy the pictures on Facebook!



I've got about 200 pics of sakura coming your way on Facebook. 

Well, probably less when I've sorted them all out.

And they'll be coming right after I finish uploading the rest of my New Zealand pics.

Can you believe it's nearly April already? 

It really is true, what they say - once you get to your thirties, the years just fly by.

4 months already. Unbelievable!

Knackered from work, I decided to stay in tonight. If I was mean enough, I could've gone on another extravagant dinner with my bearded biochemistry guy.

I can't even believe he's still mailing me after all the ghastly things I said to him.

Evidently, ignorance is going to be the way to go with this one!

Still in love with this season even though it's freezing today. Even that fool can't spoil my sakura romance!


Thursday 28 March 2013



I got to go to hanami today!


I woke up at 5, worked until 11.30 and as soon as that lesson was over, I packed my stuff up and practically ran to Chidorigafuchi - a super famous hanami spot in Tokyo by the Imperial Palace.

And I do mean pratically running - I worked up quite a swear getting there! HAHAHA!

My goodness me. It was BREATHTAKING. I love this season. Not weather wise, but it really, really is the most beautiful season in Japan. I was walking around with everyone else grinning like a maniac, snap, snap, snapping away on my camera, on my phone and just sitting or standing and taking in the stunning views. 

How can something be sooooooo PRETTY?!?!?!?

I don't think anyone can be in a bad mood when you're surrounded by such stunningness. I really feel like nothing can spoil me mood for the rest of the day! Mind you, whoever booked my lesson this afternoon before I had a chance to close it nearly did. Nearly. All I had to do was stare at my beautiful photos when I was on the train and the smile came back to my face.

All 200 of them! Well, 201, but whatever.

Pretty, pretty, pretty.



Wednesday 27 March 2013



Hanami this year has been a nightmare!

The fact that the sakura bloomed super early, completely threw my plans for a big hanami party on 7th April outta the window.

Then when I went to Inokashira-koen the first time, it was too early.

And then I planned to go last Sunday, but it was raining...and super cold.

And now that me and my girlfriend FINALLY both have the same day off today, it's raining! We were going to have a nice picnic in Testugakudo-koen in Nakano.

Sooooo sad!

Even though I have the prettiest sakura trees right outside my house, I wanted to go the park and get that AMAZING picture that everyone else has. Not that I'm following the crowd of anything - LOL! They're just sooooo PRETTY! 

I should be in the gym right now, bopping about with the other old ladies in the pool. But when I woke up, I was so cold that I just snoozed the alarm, rolled up and huddled up underneath the duvet. And now I know I'm going to spend my entire day off in front of the TV.

Well, that's not a bad thing really, is it? Everyone deserves to slum it once in a while!


Tuesday 26 March 2013

Windy Wellington

So, I am FINALLY getting around to posting the rest of my pics from New Zealand.

Better late than never, eh?

First destination in the North - Wellington.

You know before you go somewhere, you'll hear all this stuff about it and then you think you're prepared, but then when you get there, you realise that you weren't prepared at all?

Yah, that's Wellington.

I knew about the nickname "Windy Welly", but NOTHING prepared me for that insane wind!! I'm gonna be honest - I think it kinda ruined my experience there! I LOVED the city - it felt way more cultured than some of the other places that I had been to, but walking around was a NIGHTMARE! 

Why I didn't tie my hair up that morning I have no idea! The wind was constantly blowing it in my face and it was sticking to my lip gloss...all of that stuff aside, because the wind was so strong, it was absolutely FREEZING! I hadn't accounted for crappy weather when I packed, so my sightseeing experience there was really uncomfortable.

The other unfortunate thing, was that my sightseeing day fell on New Year's Day, so a lot of stuff was closed. 

I still got to visit the Te Papa museum though, which was gone very close to the top of the list of my favourite museums. I absolutely loved it! From the colours to the interactiveness, it made reading and learning about the history of this amazing country REALLY enjoyable! And it also made me more grateful than ever that I had had the chance to go there and experience if for myself.

I really loved it - I think if I were to live in NZ, I'd wanna live there. But man, I'm not sure if I could deal with that wind! HAHA!

OK, OK....you wanna know what happened when I told that guy I wasn't going away with him?

He sent me a MONSTER email telling me I was PERFECT and that I would be a PERFECT influence on his kid. Ergh - not replying to that one.

If ever something was gonna make me leg it in the other direction, it would be telling me something like that.

Think I might be getting to the stage where I need to block this guy.....


I Can't

Honestly, I was having such a dilemma about going to Fiji with this guy.

I told him that I wanted separate rooms and that at some point I would want some alone time. I also told him that I understand those are unreasonable requests seeing as he's the one taking me on holiday.

He replied and told me that separate rooms was a given. But then he said that 4 days was too short for Fiji and he recommended going to Guam or Bali.

Well, that was an easy decision for me - no! I've been to both already and if I were to go again, it would be with friends. Those destinations are close and cheap to get to - Fiji costs a fortune and I can't imagine when I would be able to go by myself...or find anyone who was willing to pay that much to go with me.

When I told him I had already been to those destinations and didn't want to go again, he told me that we could go to Fiji....for 8 days!!!!

That made the decision even easier.


I would never be able to handle him for 8 days. 4 days would be tolerable, because to be honest, you'd lose the first and last day in travel time and I know spending 2 days in Fiji is INSANE but at the end of the day, I'm not the one paying, I would still get to visit this gorgeous destination and I wouldn't have to spend a mammoth amount of time in his company.

But 8 days?

I just CAN'T.

I barely made it through a 2 hour dinner with him without getting drunk.

Plus, it really is insanely mean to use someone like that. I really am not that much of a bitch.

Seriously, I'm not.  

And I know I'll make it to Fiji or the French Polynesia one day. Bora Bora is my dream destination anyway! =)

So that's the end of that one! I'm not seeing him again.


Sunday 24 March 2013

Queen Bee

This is what that guy that I told to grow a pair calls me.

Queen Bee.

 He wrote me another essay telling me that I was way out of his league, blah blah blah, and then told me I was very, very cool for being so brutally honest.


And then on Friday night, he sent me a mail asking me out for dinner the next night (last night).


In my head, I'm wondering where he was thinking of taking me. And when I didn't reply within 30 minutes (SERIOUSLY?!), he sent me another mail telling me that he was thinking of taking me to the Oak Door in the Grand Hyatt.

Seriously - how am I supposed to say no?! I LOVE that place! (>_<)

Don't hate and call me shallow. It also made sense because I haven't been to the supermarket yet and had no food in my house. If he wants to take me out to dinner even though I insulted the crap outta him, then that's his problem! LOL!

After work I was knackered and was THAT close to cancelling on him. Just because I really couldn't be arsed to spend a couple of hours in his company. But hunger struck and I rocked up.....to find out that he hadn't even made a reservation and we would have to wait for 40 minutes.

Ha - I know that trick. He wanted to have me out for longer. If we had to wait, we would have to go somewhere for a drink first and then by the time we got to have dinner, the night would've been drawn out much longer than I wanted it to be. No thanks.

So we went to Roku Roku sushi, which is next door. When we were outside and I saw the prices (some sushi was like over 2000yen for ONE piece), I told him that if he wanted to go there, it would be his credit card and not mine. His response?

No problem.

The sushi was awesome. The waitresses were adorable. The wine was sooo crisp. The company, however....

....sucked arse!!!!

I had to listen to a whole loada spiel about the reason behind that ridiculous email he sent me. Then he just came out and said it.

"You're not interested in me, are you?"

OK, so I had two choices here. But I went with the truth.


His reaction?


And then the conversation just carried on in the same boring manner it had been before! LOL. Well, at least I was honest - any decision that he made was his own. I didn't ask him to take me to dinner. I didn't lead him on. I didn't pretend to like him, flirt with him, take his arm or hold his hand. He seems to enjoy being insulted. He's one of those...but at least I never have to lie! 

When the bill came I nearly had a heart attack.

77,980 yen!!!!!!

He didn't batter an eyelid when he handed over his card. And then he told me that was a new personal record for him. 

When we were walking back to the station he went for my hand. I knew it was coming and managed to shove them in my pockets before it got to that awkward bit. At the station I smiled, said thank you and then walked off. Hey - just because he spent an extravagant amount on dinner, it doesn't make me obliged to do anything!

I know if I was a guy, I would expect the girl to put out. But I sat there and told him to HIS FACE that I wasn't interested. I never led him on. Everything he did was his own choice.

Before I had even made him home, I got 3 messages from him.

One of them was inviting me away for GW. Where to?


Talk about hitting on one of my dream destinations!!!!!!


The thing is...I'm considering it!!! I'm conjuring up a list of conditions which, if he has any sense, he'll never agree to, but if he does....welll...

Come on!!! It's FIJI!!!!!

I've never been one of those girls who just reap men for everything that they have. I know that I could've been and I know girls who have put out for holidays and bags and shoes......but I also know girls that are in the same situation as me....who have reaped men for the money who haven't given ANYTHING except their company in return. Why the hell shouldn't I take advantage of being a woman?! LOL!

The problem is, I'm not sure I can bear this guy's neediness/emails/insane beard!!!!

I think I'll see what he says to my outrageous conditions and take it from there!

Keep you posted!


Friday 22 March 2013

As It Should Be

Friday....just before 6pm and I'm home from work already.

Just as it should be!!

It actually feels weird to be home at a normal time! The problem is, I'm too tired to do anything exciting with my evening! 

I had a training session at work today. It was great....but it also made me realise how badly I miss conducting training sessions! I used to really enjoy listening to everyone share ideas and gather new ones myself. It's so gratifying. 

On a very postiive note though, I have worked it out and I have clocked 2, 959 contact teaching hours since completely my CELTA last year. Not only is that insane, but it means I now qualify to apply for a DELTA. Whether I get accepted or not is another thing because I don't have a range of teaching contexts, but it's worth a shot, right?

I feel really excited about it because it means I can get things moving along instead of sitting in the comfortable spot that I'm now in. Being in that training session today has really given me a kick up the butt to get things rolling so that I can do what I want to be doing and not what I think I should be doing.

So the lessons hours are clocked - now I need to get a million yen saved!

Wish me luck!


Thursday 21 March 2013

Grow A Pair!

A warning - I'm ranting!!!!

OK, seriously....

When did men become so....


I've decided to scrap the guys that I'm "seeing" right now and start all over again.


You ready?

Because I literally can't stand being bugged about not replying to pointless emails!!!!! And I hate being BOMBARDED by emails!

And just to clarify, we're talking like, me not replying in a timeframe of under 24 hours.

Are you kidding me?!?!?!

I'm not one of those people that respond to an email that just says "Hello" or "it's nice weather today". Those aren't even questions and don't even need a reply! If they had come from a good friend, then yeh, I'd reply....not straightaway, but I would get back to that person. But generally I'm not one of those girls that needs that "Morning" message every day. I don't even need a message every day - but it seems like these guys do! When did that happen?!

I got an email from a guy, LITERALLY whining about how I never reply to any of his messages and he feels like I don't like him (I could take it or leave it to be honest :P) and blah blah blah.  His original message only said "I have to work today" and he sent it at 8am this morning.

It's now coming up to 3.30pm and he just sent me another email crying about it. After 7 hours?!?!?!?!?!!??!?! I'm getting whined at for not replying for 7 hours....to a mail that I don't even get why he's sending me in the first place?! It's Thursday....most people have to work! LOL!

Urgh! How is that sexy?

Although it's not as unsexy as saying "I love you" after 4 dates. Don't even get me started.

What happened to playing it cool? God I miss British men! HAHAHAHHA!

And just for the record this message guy is from NZ and is 39. Which means no excuse for this in my eyes. I thought it was women that were supposed to act like that, not the other way round!

I just told him to put his toys back in the pram and grow a pair! 

Someone get me a MANLY MAN!!!!!


Ruddy Wind!

What the hell is with this super strong wind?

It's like being back in Wellington!! 

I barely got any sleep last night because the wind kept me awake. It rattled the doors and windors and was just so loud - leaving me tossing an turning all night. It sucks being a light sleeper.

But not only that, even though it's gloriously sunny, it's so cold outside! I was up for a little hanami this afternoon, but I was getting so annoyed with my hair sticking to my lip gloss, I decided that it would be better if I waited another day. It's not in full bloom anywayy, so I still have plenty of time.

I just don't get this stupid weather. It's driving me crazy!

But when I see the sakura, there's nothing I can do but smile.

So pretty. (*^_^*)


Tuesday 19 March 2013


This morning I submitted all 13 of my essays for the newspaper column I told you about. Over a month ahead of schedule.

I just received an email back from the editor.

This is how he started:

Thank you very much for sending all the 13 articles at such an early stage. I have just read them through to find that they are very well-written.
The choice of topics, the level of English, the tone of the language, all leave almost nothing to be desired.

 GET IN!!!! I was so happy to hear that he has approved all the articles. There is only one that he's not sure about - the essay I wrote about the concept of "Ladies First".

This is good.

He told me that the idea of "Ladies First" has COMPELTELY permeated in Japan and that all men now help women on trains, open doors for women and treat them the way Western men treat women.


Not sure the guy who let the door swing back in my face in a department store the other day got the memo about that one!

I was so surprised that he thinks this!!! Every day I talk to female clients who tell me how they are jealous of the whole "ladies first" thing.

But the editor feels that the article may upset some readers so I need to decide whether to incorporate his feedback and mention that it is slowly being more accepted into Japan or choose a different article together. 

This is the only feedback I received about what I had written. In the editor's words:

Otherwise, you have done an excellent job!

Well chuffed. \(^0^)/

Now I just have to wait for the podcast recordings and that's the end of my Asahi-Shimbun experience!

What easy money!



Sunday 17 March 2013

Burning The Candle At Both Ends

Recently, no matter how much sleep I get, I'm still feeing exhausted the next day.

But it's OK - because it's spring!

LOL - the good weather always puts me in a good mood. And today is no exception.

So, what's been happening?

I've been working my arse of as usual. I've really enjoyed working on these articles for this column - I've finished 9, so only four more to go which I know I can knock out in a couple of hours next week. It's been good to sit back and take a reflective look at some of the experiences that I've had here. I'm not gonna lie - it has been tough to keep the negative vibe outta some of them, but I'm pretty pleased with the end result. And even if I have to rewrite any of them, it's decent money for a minimal amount of work so I can't complain!

I had a fabulous catch up with my travel boyfriend last night. It's actually scary how fast this year is going, but I'm looking forward to a UK Christmas and spending some time on the beach this winter. I'm not sure how many other trips I'm feasibly gonna be able to take this year, but I'm hoping at least one more! At least.

Anyway, it was fabulous to catch up with him and I shall be looking forward to some goodies in the post!

Speaking of goodies, you know I told you that I wasn't allowed on the navy base? Well, I'm thinking about heading back down there on Wednesday. Some guy actually offered to buy the stuff I wanted and then bring it to Tokyo, but there's two reasons I said no.

1 - I wanna have a look around there myself

2 - It's always harder to get someone to leave your house than it is to leave someone else's house!

HAHA! You can guess which excuse I gave him! It's not that he's a bad guy, but he's just not my type of person. And he seriously bombards me with pointless messages which is really annoying. But I'll go to the base, get the stuff I want and then I'll take it from there. It's not as bad as it sounds, really!

With work, things have been postponed a bit with that other proposition I told you about. I've decided to go for it just because I think the experience will trump money in the end and at the end of the day, I'm always moaning about wanting new challenges. I'm been presented with one and to be honest, I feel like I'd be a fool not to take it! 

I feel like I've been insanely busy and so lazy at the same time. 

And to continue the trend...I'm off to watch Breaking Bad!


Saturday 9 March 2013

At Last!

Spring is here! (*^_^*)

I woke up this morning to see gorgeous sunlight streaming through my house.

And even though it's not HOT, it's warm enough to open the windows and let the spring breeze in.

How can you NOT smile when the weather is so gorgeous outside?!

Spring is without a doubt the prettiest season in Tokyo. I just love hanami and can't wait to see everything in full bloom in the parks. Apart from the hayfever, people are generally in better moods and it's that time to start working on that summer body!!

And on top of all of that, I HAVE A DAY OFF!!!


A very, very rare Saturday off, which I'm going to spend with my brother. Not overly pleased at meeting in Shibuya on a Saturday, but nothing is going to spoil my mood today!

Have a good one, my lovelies!


Wednesday 6 March 2013


99.9% of the time, military guys are tools.

I'm sorry, but they are.

Arrogant, chauvenistic and for the most part, unintelligent.

But they do have their uses....

....mainly getting you onto the base to go shopping!


Or so I thought!

I headed all the way down to Yokosuka on Sunday with the built up anticipation of finally getting my favourite brand of toiletries and hitting up an American supermarket. Even though I was absolutely knackered, I trekked all the way down there from work, met my "friend".......only to be turned away at the gate.


I had gone straight from work and was wearing a knee length skirt suit. The guard wouldn't let me on base because I was showing too much leg.

You're having an effing laugh?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?

The most bullshit part of it, was there was a Japanese girl and white guy in front of me and the guard didn't batter an eyelid at her arse hanging out of booty shorts, over the knee socks and exposed thighs.

i was livid, but I couldn't be arsed to make a scene. The guy I was with told me that it was so rare for a non-military, non-Japanese vaguesly attractive girl to come on base, that he got the arse off and decided to cockblock. 

I was more pissed at the fact that I would now have to spend more time with this guy than I had intended to! LOL!

 No, I'm not being mean - he's a perfectly nice guy.....if you like young guys who don't give a crap about their clothes, the state of their house, bad manners, extreme immaturity and complete lack of general knowledge. 

I've made a mistake though....NOT THAT KIND OF MISTAKE!!! I was hanging out at his place and I ended up borrowing a book. It only dawned on me on the train ride home, that I would have to meet him again to give the book back. Now, I have 2 choices. He's actually offering to go shopping for me and bring all the stuff I want into Tokyo. The problem is it's always harder to kick someone out of your house than it is to leave theirs. The second option is to trek all the way back to Yokosuka to do all my shopping myself. It's seriously far, but I think I'd prefer to have a nosy around myself. What do you think?

I went in the complete opposite direction with my date tonight. I went out for for dinner with an older guy and the best thing about dating older men is they let you choose restaurants which a younger guy can't afford! LOL! I hit up Cicada in Omotesando, which has been on my list for ages! It was a lovely evening with awesome food, good banter and a little bit too much wine and champagne. I have a nasty feeling I'm going to be feeling that tomorrow!

My friend pointed out that it's about time I let someone spoil me a little....so why shouldn't I?!


Friday 1 March 2013

Grey's Anatomy

I so badly want to watch another episode of Grey's Anatomy, but I can't.


Because in an hour and a half I have a date.

What's the problem?

I've literally bawled my way through the last 5 episodes and now my eyes are all red and puffy and I look positively ghastly!


That and I am in completely the wrong mindset to go out on a date. I feel sorry for the guy already! Lucky for me, we're heading out to see Django Unchained, so at least I can be all mellow in the dark.

It'll be fine - I'll just tell him! LOL!

So badly just wanna stay home though and keep watching.

Totally addicted to American TV. At least it stops me from spending money which I don't have!


Done and Dusted!

Doing taxes gets easier every year!

I was in and out the tax office in 30 minutes! It's the third time I've had to do it, so I was prepared. Work out the expenses, put all the numbers into the computer and it works everything out for you! 

And it looks like I'm in for a nice, fat tax rebate! =)


I'm absolutely praying my taxes will be reduced next year because I'm sick of people crippled every month by those payments!

The people in the taxation office are so much nicer than EVERYONE who works in the city ward office. I went down there to get the certificate to show how much health insurance and pension I'd paid. The health insurance woman was lovely but the people that work in the pension section are complete arseholes.

I decided to ignore everything that they told me and just went down to the tax office with my pension receipts and it was fine. I hate having to deal with those people. They're just horrid!

Then you walk into the tax office - those guys must get sick of dealing with people who have no clue what they're doing day in and day out, yet I was greeted with this big warm smile and the guy spoke in nice and clear Japanese so that I could follow him. Then when I was filling out all my expenses forms, the guy that was helping me was joking with me and complimenting me on my "beautiful" kanji. Then when I went to the computer to input all the data, I had the cutest little old man helping me! He was so shy to be talking to a foreigner, even in Japanese, and he told me that he hadn't helped anyone in the tax office who was born in the Showa period! HAHAHAHA!

He was so super helpful, friendly and nice and I was done in no time!

Does that mean there will be NO stress at all next year?!

