“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 6 March 2013


99.9% of the time, military guys are tools.

I'm sorry, but they are.

Arrogant, chauvenistic and for the most part, unintelligent.

But they do have their uses....

....mainly getting you onto the base to go shopping!


Or so I thought!

I headed all the way down to Yokosuka on Sunday with the built up anticipation of finally getting my favourite brand of toiletries and hitting up an American supermarket. Even though I was absolutely knackered, I trekked all the way down there from work, met my "friend".......only to be turned away at the gate.


I had gone straight from work and was wearing a knee length skirt suit. The guard wouldn't let me on base because I was showing too much leg.

You're having an effing laugh?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?

The most bullshit part of it, was there was a Japanese girl and white guy in front of me and the guard didn't batter an eyelid at her arse hanging out of booty shorts, over the knee socks and exposed thighs.

i was livid, but I couldn't be arsed to make a scene. The guy I was with told me that it was so rare for a non-military, non-Japanese vaguesly attractive girl to come on base, that he got the arse off and decided to cockblock. 

I was more pissed at the fact that I would now have to spend more time with this guy than I had intended to! LOL!

 No, I'm not being mean - he's a perfectly nice guy.....if you like young guys who don't give a crap about their clothes, the state of their house, bad manners, extreme immaturity and complete lack of general knowledge. 

I've made a mistake though....NOT THAT KIND OF MISTAKE!!! I was hanging out at his place and I ended up borrowing a book. It only dawned on me on the train ride home, that I would have to meet him again to give the book back. Now, I have 2 choices. He's actually offering to go shopping for me and bring all the stuff I want into Tokyo. The problem is it's always harder to kick someone out of your house than it is to leave theirs. The second option is to trek all the way back to Yokosuka to do all my shopping myself. It's seriously far, but I think I'd prefer to have a nosy around myself. What do you think?

I went in the complete opposite direction with my date tonight. I went out for for dinner with an older guy and the best thing about dating older men is they let you choose restaurants which a younger guy can't afford! LOL! I hit up Cicada in Omotesando, which has been on my list for ages! It was a lovely evening with awesome food, good banter and a little bit too much wine and champagne. I have a nasty feeling I'm going to be feeling that tomorrow!

My friend pointed out that it's about time I let someone spoil me a little....so why shouldn't I?!


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