“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 19 March 2013


This morning I submitted all 13 of my essays for the newspaper column I told you about. Over a month ahead of schedule.

I just received an email back from the editor.

This is how he started:

Thank you very much for sending all the 13 articles at such an early stage. I have just read them through to find that they are very well-written.
The choice of topics, the level of English, the tone of the language, all leave almost nothing to be desired.

 GET IN!!!! I was so happy to hear that he has approved all the articles. There is only one that he's not sure about - the essay I wrote about the concept of "Ladies First".

This is good.

He told me that the idea of "Ladies First" has COMPELTELY permeated in Japan and that all men now help women on trains, open doors for women and treat them the way Western men treat women.


Not sure the guy who let the door swing back in my face in a department store the other day got the memo about that one!

I was so surprised that he thinks this!!! Every day I talk to female clients who tell me how they are jealous of the whole "ladies first" thing.

But the editor feels that the article may upset some readers so I need to decide whether to incorporate his feedback and mention that it is slowly being more accepted into Japan or choose a different article together. 

This is the only feedback I received about what I had written. In the editor's words:

Otherwise, you have done an excellent job!

Well chuffed. \(^0^)/

Now I just have to wait for the podcast recordings and that's the end of my Asahi-Shimbun experience!

What easy money!



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