“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 24 March 2013

Queen Bee

This is what that guy that I told to grow a pair calls me.

Queen Bee.

 He wrote me another essay telling me that I was way out of his league, blah blah blah, and then told me I was very, very cool for being so brutally honest.


And then on Friday night, he sent me a mail asking me out for dinner the next night (last night).


In my head, I'm wondering where he was thinking of taking me. And when I didn't reply within 30 minutes (SERIOUSLY?!), he sent me another mail telling me that he was thinking of taking me to the Oak Door in the Grand Hyatt.

Seriously - how am I supposed to say no?! I LOVE that place! (>_<)

Don't hate and call me shallow. It also made sense because I haven't been to the supermarket yet and had no food in my house. If he wants to take me out to dinner even though I insulted the crap outta him, then that's his problem! LOL!

After work I was knackered and was THAT close to cancelling on him. Just because I really couldn't be arsed to spend a couple of hours in his company. But hunger struck and I rocked up.....to find out that he hadn't even made a reservation and we would have to wait for 40 minutes.

Ha - I know that trick. He wanted to have me out for longer. If we had to wait, we would have to go somewhere for a drink first and then by the time we got to have dinner, the night would've been drawn out much longer than I wanted it to be. No thanks.

So we went to Roku Roku sushi, which is next door. When we were outside and I saw the prices (some sushi was like over 2000yen for ONE piece), I told him that if he wanted to go there, it would be his credit card and not mine. His response?

No problem.

The sushi was awesome. The waitresses were adorable. The wine was sooo crisp. The company, however....

....sucked arse!!!!

I had to listen to a whole loada spiel about the reason behind that ridiculous email he sent me. Then he just came out and said it.

"You're not interested in me, are you?"

OK, so I had two choices here. But I went with the truth.


His reaction?


And then the conversation just carried on in the same boring manner it had been before! LOL. Well, at least I was honest - any decision that he made was his own. I didn't ask him to take me to dinner. I didn't lead him on. I didn't pretend to like him, flirt with him, take his arm or hold his hand. He seems to enjoy being insulted. He's one of those...but at least I never have to lie! 

When the bill came I nearly had a heart attack.

77,980 yen!!!!!!

He didn't batter an eyelid when he handed over his card. And then he told me that was a new personal record for him. 

When we were walking back to the station he went for my hand. I knew it was coming and managed to shove them in my pockets before it got to that awkward bit. At the station I smiled, said thank you and then walked off. Hey - just because he spent an extravagant amount on dinner, it doesn't make me obliged to do anything!

I know if I was a guy, I would expect the girl to put out. But I sat there and told him to HIS FACE that I wasn't interested. I never led him on. Everything he did was his own choice.

Before I had even made him home, I got 3 messages from him.

One of them was inviting me away for GW. Where to?


Talk about hitting on one of my dream destinations!!!!!!


The thing is...I'm considering it!!! I'm conjuring up a list of conditions which, if he has any sense, he'll never agree to, but if he does....welll...

Come on!!! It's FIJI!!!!!

I've never been one of those girls who just reap men for everything that they have. I know that I could've been and I know girls who have put out for holidays and bags and shoes......but I also know girls that are in the same situation as me....who have reaped men for the money who haven't given ANYTHING except their company in return. Why the hell shouldn't I take advantage of being a woman?! LOL!

The problem is, I'm not sure I can bear this guy's neediness/emails/insane beard!!!!

I think I'll see what he says to my outrageous conditions and take it from there!

Keep you posted!


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