“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Windy Wellington

So, I am FINALLY getting around to posting the rest of my pics from New Zealand.

Better late than never, eh?

First destination in the North - Wellington.

You know before you go somewhere, you'll hear all this stuff about it and then you think you're prepared, but then when you get there, you realise that you weren't prepared at all?

Yah, that's Wellington.

I knew about the nickname "Windy Welly", but NOTHING prepared me for that insane wind!! I'm gonna be honest - I think it kinda ruined my experience there! I LOVED the city - it felt way more cultured than some of the other places that I had been to, but walking around was a NIGHTMARE! 

Why I didn't tie my hair up that morning I have no idea! The wind was constantly blowing it in my face and it was sticking to my lip gloss...all of that stuff aside, because the wind was so strong, it was absolutely FREEZING! I hadn't accounted for crappy weather when I packed, so my sightseeing experience there was really uncomfortable.

The other unfortunate thing, was that my sightseeing day fell on New Year's Day, so a lot of stuff was closed. 

I still got to visit the Te Papa museum though, which was gone very close to the top of the list of my favourite museums. I absolutely loved it! From the colours to the interactiveness, it made reading and learning about the history of this amazing country REALLY enjoyable! And it also made me more grateful than ever that I had had the chance to go there and experience if for myself.

I really loved it - I think if I were to live in NZ, I'd wanna live there. But man, I'm not sure if I could deal with that wind! HAHA!

OK, OK....you wanna know what happened when I told that guy I wasn't going away with him?

He sent me a MONSTER email telling me I was PERFECT and that I would be a PERFECT influence on his kid. Ergh - not replying to that one.

If ever something was gonna make me leg it in the other direction, it would be telling me something like that.

Think I might be getting to the stage where I need to block this guy.....


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