“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 30 September 2008

Lady Parts!

This is sooooo embarrassing!

I went into school today and one of my teachers told me that my 'lady parts were fantastic'!!!

LOL - see when someone says 'lady parts' I automatically think of DOWN THERE.

I got so flustered I automatically looked down - were my flies undone? Could she see my pants?!

Then she pointed at my chest and said 'Very good', gave me the thumbs up and then just walked off!


Breakfast or No Breakfast

I can't win with breakfast.

Normally I don't eat it. There isn't time and I'm def not gonna get up any earlier.

So by lunchtime I'm normally starving.

But today I seemed to have time for breakfast. So I stuffed my face. And then by 11am I was so hungry my stomach growling was causing attention in the staffroom!

What the hell?!

Monday 29 September 2008

Do you ever wonder....

...if all the heartache is worth it?

Whether it is REALLY worth it?

Back to the gym

I haven't been a member of a gym since I was 17 years old. And even then, I only went twice.

But today I joined the gym.

Not for the whole weight training workout type thing. But for the pool and the aerobics/yoga classes.

More than anything, I looking for something to keep me busy. So I don't have to sit around at home on my own and think too much.

Now let's see how often I actually make it down there!

Sunday 28 September 2008

What I would do for.....

....4 rashers smoked back bacon
....scrambled eggs
....closed cup mushrooms
....one tomato, grilled
....2 thick pork sausages, grilled
....1 slice of fried bread

all smothered in brown sauce!!


One year on and still going strong

I can't believe it.

Today is my one year anniversary.

I am so effing proud of myself. I have NEVER made it this far.

For a long time there seemed to be this 2 week barrier. Things would be great and then after 2 weeks I would be so bored and dismiss that person and move onto the next one.

I have been with one guy for a year and still adore him as much as the day I met him.

The shitty bit?

I'm spending the day on my own.


Hangover remedy drink my ARSE!!!

I embarked on some heavier-than-planned drinking last night.

Knowing that I was gonna be pulling an all nighter, I bought this drink that supposedly stops you from getting a hangover.

My arse it does!

It's weird coz back home I don't really get hangovers. I might feel a bit dodgy in terms of not wanting to eat anything but that's about it. Over here I get the full on pounding headache. I didn't even drink that much! - maybe 8/9 drinks?! But it's weird coz over here if I drink wine or champagne, regardless of how many glasses I have, I ALWAYS wake up with a headache. Weird huh?

Last night was great though. I went into town on my own and then met up with a couple of girls I haven't seen for a long time. We had a good dance, moan and it's so easy to forget how much you enjoy spending time with certain people until you actually do. My girl's a star and she doesn't even realise it ;-)

Really hate the whole first train back in the morning thing tho...but I was thinking about how many times last year I used to book a hotel. What a waste of money! On average I'm normally done with a night out anytime between 4.30 and 5am. The first train is at 5.36. It's worth soldiering on for that extra hour than throwing away money on a hotel, right?

LOL although I totally fell asleep and missed my transfer stops!

Friday 26 September 2008

At a loss...

I have no idea what to do this weekend.

There are a lot of things going on. A lot of options. But none of them grab me. None of them INTEREST me.

Is that bad?

I feel like I've been out of the loop a bit lately. I've been really busy travelling and spend a lot of the week either doing prep for lessons, sleeping or hanging out with my Japanese friends. So I haven't seen a lot of people for a long time.

But at the same time if I'm not really interested in what's going on, then I shouldn't go right? Well, that's my thinking! Is it wrong? I don't think so. The only people we do that for are super close friends, family and boyfriends/girlfriends.

I think I'll just go and do what I love most......lol....OK so what I love second most (;-))...DANCING!!


2 Day Weeks

This week has been awesome.

I was in Okinawa until Wednesday so I only had 2 days of teaching! Yesterday was a bit hard going, as was this morning but the afternoons have been so much fun in the classroom.

I'm still surprised I've been allowed to do a Mini Olympics. Today's was so good. The teacher had made sure that all the kids had put a lot of effort into making their mascots. And I'm seriously impressed with some of them! I'm gonna take some pics and post them up because they really are awesome!

Man, I wish every week could be a 2 day week! I feel perfectly happy not stepping foot into my Junior High School!

Thursday 25 September 2008


I've just got back from a shamisen concert.

It was this really famous father and son - what they were doing in Nanayama, I have no idea!

I was actually really impressed. I'd overdosed on shamisen music in Okinawa but it is a different sound altogether. Which is a good thing really because after 5 days, Okinawan shimasen became a bit too much!

You are so WRONG Japan!

I went into school day and everyone commented on my tan.

And not in a good way.

They're like 'You're so dark' in this horrified tone of voice.

Because over here black is bad. And right now I'm pretty dark. Here, the women strive to stay as white as possible, covering up every inch of bare skin in the sunlight.

They have got it so wrong. Back home, people aim to go as black as possible. People look generally prettier and healthier with a tan. Some Japanese girls are so white they could give Michael Jackson a run for his money. And what's more, they look so unattractive because they look on the brink of death.



I got a message from my supervisor today telling me that my BOE are happy for me to stay on another year and that they have sent me all the forms.

It's only September!! The final decision has to be made by the beginning of February!!

At first I was a bit shocked because it seems so early for this. But then again, the deadline for transfer requests is in 2 months time and in my case, where I am wanting to transfer, it is actually a really big decision.

But I'm a bit worried about the whole transferring process. You see, you have to submit the form by the beginning of November....but then they don't tell you whether it's OK or not until 30th January! And the recontracting deadline is 6th February.

So essentially if your transfer request gets rejected, then you have just a week to decide what the hell you're gonna do next! And under that pressure, people are bound to make crazy decisions and then regret them later!

God, I hate the Japanese way of doing things.

Wednesday 24 September 2008

Interlocking Dreams

This is seriously freaky.

So I was in bed with my man and our dreams overlapped.

I dreamt that he was strangling me (as in trying to kill me, not a kinky sex kinda way!!) and I shot up awake. Prior to that I don't remember what I was dreaming about.

A split second later he shot up awake.

We were both kinda short of breath and slightly sweating. I told him I had a weird dream and he said he did too. When I asked him what he dreamt about he said I was about to kill someone and he ran over to stop me and started strangling me.

How freaky is that?!

Post Holiday Blues

I got back today after spending 5 glorious days in Okinawa.

I didn't do what everyone else does and go to the main island. I went to Miyako-jima...which boasts Japan's best beach.

And what a beach it was. Yonahamaehama beach. White sand and the sea was the same colour as a swimming pool. And completely clear. When I went to the Philippines, I went to White Beach which is supposedly the world's 2nd best beach.

I think Yonahamaehama beach is better.

It was such a nice relaxing break. I went parasailing and snorkelling, relaxed on the beach, drinking and just chilling. There isn't a lot in Miyako-jima besides beaches and water sports. The city centre leaves plenty to be desired - so ugly and smelt like a sewer but I tried a lot of Okinawan cuisine and found a really cute Caribbean bar where I listen to live music and indulged in loads of different types of rum.


And now I'm back. Alone. And have to go to school tomorrow.

How depressing!!

Pics to follow soon


Thursday 18 September 2008

Prison Break

I hate waiting for episodes every week (Gossip Girl, House and soon Heroes and How I met Your Mother), so I decided to occupy myself with another American TV show.

I've started on Prison Break. And I'm LOVING it!!

And then I started realising how much I love American TV. And thank God for online screening!


No More!!!!

I have HAD IT up to HERE with the effing ungrateful teachers at one of my schools.

I've been doing a 2 part Olympic lession at my elementary schools. In total, it has taken me close to 30 hours to prepare. I made medals and everything.

So I had one class on Tuesday. It went really well and the kids had a good time.

And then I had it today at the school that i HATE with a passion. The teachers decided to combine the classes and I have 52 kids running riot in the gym. I told them that it's their job to control them. Which they didn't. This class is normally OKish but today they were such a pain in the ass. They were bending the medals I'd made and chucking them about, not listening so I told the teachers to take over because I'd had enough of shouting and wasn't prepared to lose my voice for them. No acknowledgement at the end of the class how hard I'd worked to prepare for it.

Then the cheeky 6th grade teacher (who told me again today that he had no ideas for the class 2 mins before it was sposed to start) told me that next week he wanted to fo the Olympic class I'd just done with 5th grade. I hate this teacher - he's a lazy ******. So I told him OK....and just as a big grin spread across his face, I told him that he would have to do all the prep himself because I won't have time. I told him I wouldn't make the medals. Just because I don't believe that these kids deserve my efforts on that scale. I've wasted enough on them already adn never get any thanks from anyone.

Such a contrast to the school I did the same lesson with this afternoon. They were an absolute DREAM. I've always adored this class because the kids are so smart and the teachers do so much to help me out with lesson prep. When I got there, they'd already marked out lanes on the gym floor and got flags and whistles out and music and everything! I wasn't even expecting them to do anything. And they told the kids to take care of the medals because I'd spent a long time making them all myself. How nice is that?

I don't need teachers to tell me how great I am all the time!! But I think that when you've gone to a lot of trouble to prepare for a class, it's nice for that effort to be acknowledged. I mean 30 hours?!

Well, I've learnt my lesson. I won't be putting myself out that much again.

Wednesday 17 September 2008


So the guy that ripped my head off?

He just called me.

Ripping head off guy: Jade, 直前、ごめんね。(Jade, sorry about before)

Jade: いいよ。忘れてね。 (It's OK. Forget about it.)

Rippin head off guy: じゃあね。(Bye)

And he just hung up! I stared at my phone with my mouth open and just laughed!

Guess Japanese people can get straight to the point sometimes!!


Japanese Culture

When I came to Japan, I was advised to absorb as much Japanese culture as possible.

And what do I get for showing an interest?

My ear bitten off - that's what.

Basically a friend of mine told me that he was going to a wedding. I went to a wedding last year but was told it's not custom for people who do not know either the bride or groom to attend the actual ceremony. Because it's rude. Going to the reception is OK but not the ceremony.

So I asked another Japanese person about it and got my head RIPPED off! He was like 'Of course a stranger can't attend the ceremony if they don't know the couple!' It's so rude to do that. We don't invite other people if they are complete strangers otherwise people will wonder what they are doing there. It's bad manners!'

He was practically shouting at me! It completely threw me and as tempted as I was to give some serious attitude bad, I remarkably managed to restrain myself. I just explained that I didn't understand because I'd heard 2 different things and was JUST ASKING!! I told him I didn't understand why he was getting so angry.

And then he went into a rage about how foreigners come to Japan and think that they can just do anything they like with no respect for the Japanese culture blah blah blah.

WTF?! I was just asking about weddings and now I have no respect for the culture?! He told me that I shouldn't have gone to the wedding party at all but soon shut up when I told him that I was personally invited by the bride AND groom a month before.

After that he just stomped off. I have no idea what the hell he was on. I was asking a very simple question and he just went crazy! Obviously had some dodgy run in with foreigners before.

Everyone has some issues with Japanese culture. The way they do things here can be so frustrating!! But I still like to think that I'm trying to understand - even if no one else even notices! But I still believe there was no reason for that guy to react the way he did. It's not like I've ever done anything to him.


Tuesday 16 September 2008

Blogs and Facebook

It struck me as really interesting that when I'm blogging, people never leave comments on the blog.

Instead I get Facebook messages on my wall, private facebook messages or messages sent directly to my email address. All about things that I've blogged about.

Why is that?

It's not like any of the comments are private or offensive or anything like that. Surely it doesn't take a second to leave a comment on the actual blog right?

I mean, I don't mind - I was just wondering. And I find it interesting that people choose to give feedback on Facebook instead.

Anyone shed any light on this?

Thanks for all the comments by the way!!



Marshmallows are not to be messed with.

You get excited about eating them. Light and fluffy and melting in your mouth.

And then you go and eat too many. And end up feeling so sick. And hating on the massive amount that is still left.

Now i've ruined my dinner.


Friday 12 September 2008


One of my kids gave me his 'special' marble today because he told me I looked sad. He told me it will make me happy.

I badly didn't want to take the marble. I wasn't sad - I was just tired and had a teeny weeny hangover :S But then he looked so sad and thought I didn't want it so I had to take it!



Thursday 11 September 2008

A cook or a cock?!

The whole cook/cock thing has always managed to bring a smile to my face and today was no exception.

Just a quick explanation for you back home! So in Japanese, the word 'cook' is pronounced 'cock'. Something that I'm sure has provided as much amusement to other English teachers as it has to me. Especially when other teachers proudly announce that their brother/sister/son/daughter is a cock.


So I was teaching my 11-12 year olds jobs today. Of course when I held up a picture of a chef, they all shouted out 'cock!' I managed not to laugh as having to explain what they were really saying would have been far worse in the long run. So I just made sure they used the word 'chef' instead of 'cook'. That way, there would be no confusion.

A group of boys came up to me and the end of the class. Giggling and pushing each other forward they come up to me and asked me 'Do you cock?'

Now because they were laughing so hard, I think it was fair to assume that they knew what the word cock meant. I guessed that they were trying to ask me if I have sex. I was trying to decide what the best kind of answer would be and decided that it wouldn't be a good idea to encourage these boys. So I said that I COOK food every day at home.

Then they just looked confused. And then I was confused that they were confused. And then one of them just turns round to me and says:

'How do you cock food? That's disgusting!'

And then they all gave me a filthy look and walked off.

Great. Now my students think I do dirty things with food at home.


Wednesday 10 September 2008

So, so tired

It doesn't matter what time I go to bed - I always wake up exhausted.

And it stays with me the whole day. Yet when I get back home I never go to sleep. In fact I wake up.

And then it gets to this kind of time and I'm thinking that I should go to bed early so I don't feel so tired in the morning.

Sod that logic. It doesn't happen like that. This week my bed times have ranged from 11.30-1am. Either way the result the next morning is the same.

No win situation.


London, London, London

Over the last couple of days I've been watching 'Secret Diary of a Call Girl'.

And it got me thinking about London.

I really miss the British accent!! Or more specifically the various London accents!!

And I miss going to West End clubs with my girls, jumping queues, never paying and being marched straight into VIP. OK...not quite marched but you get my meaning!! What we don't have here are those really nice sophis lounge bars. Sinking back into a bit fat squishy sofa with an apple and cinnamon martini.Ooooohhhhhhhhh I REALLY want one of those!! Those kind of places must exist...maybe in Roppongi but I need one here!!

Fat chance!!

I wouldn't mind a trip back just to go shopping. I adore shopping in London. King's Road and Oxford St are undoubtedly my favourites!! Normally sales shopping on Oxford St drives me mad, but when I was back in London last Christmas, I LOVED it! Because I took my time and relaxed instead of getting irritated and feeling rushed.

Although, those crowds and vultures are enough to push even the most patient person to the limit!!

That's what I've been thinking about today. That and the fact that it's typical for it to change into perfect sunbathing weather now that I'm back at school and don't have as much free time to go to the beach!! Grrrrr...

That's not stopping me though - I went on Monday and am going again tomorrow!! Let's face it - everyone looks better with a tan!


Monday 8 September 2008

One of Those Days

I'm not sure why I chose this title actually. Nothing bad happened today but at the same time I have the feeling that it's been "one of those days".

I had the day off today because of the sports day yesterday. Which was really good for me because I desperately needed that lie in. Even though I'm still tired now.

So I decided to hang out at the beach today. The weather was gorgeous and because it was really windy, all the windsurfers were out providing me with an afternoon of entertainment! I noticed this girl constantly walking back and forth past me. She looked like she wanted to come over and talk and was trying to build up the courage.

So after about nearly 2 hours she came up and sat next to me and nervously tried to start talking in English. But then gave up when I really couldn't work out what the hell it was she was trying to say. Which was good for me and my Japanese!

It was really interesting actually. She had come all the way from Arita just to watch the windsurfers. And then she asked me if I wanted to hang out sometime. She was blushing furiously so I couldn't help but ask if she was a lesbian. She wasn't. She said it was because she had never done that kind of thing before and was feeling really shy. Quite endearing actually.

Ooohhh and when I was at Sunset Live, I was approached by the Fukuoka Now (a little events magazine) and was asked to pose for a cover models audition. The pics are up online so go ahead and vote for me!! ;-)



Sunday 7 September 2008

Sunset Live

I spent the day yesterday on Keya Beach at the Sunset Live festival.

I went by myself and had an AWESOME time!

There are so many benefits to being a foreigner in Japan. And being a foreigner at a festival alone - well....

I didn't pay FOR A SINGLE THING. People were giving me food and drink left right and centre!! It was a shame I was driving otherwise I would've got wrecked for free! And I posed for a total of 23 pictures. Those people gave me crisps, drinks, chocolate and offered to buy me yakitori or jerk chicken.

it would've been rude to say no ;-)

At the same time, the disadvantage of being on your own is you can't prevent people from constantly coming up to you. And I seemed to attract all the freaks in that place!! Turns out that a couple of these 'freaks' were performers and I'd just told them I didn't want to talk to them (they were SERIOUSLY weird).

I loved this festival. The atmosphere was amazing and I loved the layout - there were 2 big stages and a couple of smaller ones, all offering different styles to account for music tastes. Needless to say the reggae and trance were the most popular. I haven't REALLY listened to trance for a long time. But I got so caught up in the vibe I found myself jumping and wildly waving my hands in the air with everyone else!! I was really impressed with the massive selection of food as well. Although I didn't get to try a lot of different things coz I was stuffed with the yakitori that people kept buying for me!

I think I prefer Sunset Live to Isla de Salsa. I liked the vibe more. Prob because there were hardly any foreigners there so it was more about having fun than trying to pull. Such a great day out.

My legs are suffering today though - I danced so hard!! Oh, and I'm covered in mosquito bites - including one in a place I can't scratch on my back!

I wish I could've stayed for today too. Damn sports days!!

Saturday 6 September 2008

Scared? Try petrified!!

I was about to get into my car when I noticed a spider running across the back seat.

Some people are good with spiders. Some people are scared of spiders. Me? I'm absolutely PETRIFIED of them!

I jumped back, let out a little scream and then called my friend back to get it out my car. I couldn't even get in the car, let alone drive if there's a spider in it.

My friend came back and tried to hit it with his shoe but it ran away and then jumped over the back seat. I made him check every inch of my car and even then I still wasn't satisfied that it had gone. The sight of it alone made me slightly hyperventilate, sweat and I really thought I was going to throw up.

I felt bad because while this was going on, my friend was being eaten alive by mosquitoes. But the alternative was me noticing that spider when I was driving and then I KNOW i would've crashed my car. Even when driving back I was completely paranoid, jumpy and it took a long time for my breathing to calm down.

A few months back there was a spider in my house. I ran outside and physically could not go back in. I ended up driving 20 mins just to pick up a friend to come back to my house to kill it. It was one of the biggest spiders I have ever seen and once past a certain size I can't go anywhere near them. I can't stay in a room if there's a spider in there. And this spider made me cry and I broke out in a such a big sweat I was drenched within minutes. She never found the spider and I couldn't sleep for 3 days. It showed up again when I was on the loo. Thank God I'd already finished peeing otherwise there would've been an accident!! I ended up spraying so much bug spray under the door it set off my gas detector. Even after it was dead and had fallen to the floor, it took me at least half an hour to build up the courage to get rid of it and I was screaming and crying the whole time.

People found it hilarious. I'm very aware that some people think it's pathetic or that I'm over reacting. But what you have to understand is that I'm actually SCARED!! The whole 'it's more scared of you' thing doesn't work with me. I can kill a cockroach - I don't like them either but I can kill them. But spiders are on a whole other level. They scare the shit outta me.

And it's not funny.

Thursday 4 September 2008

Pure disorganization

Ufff.....what a morning.

I go into elementary school thinking that I'm gonna be teaching 5th and 6th grade. The teachers do all the prep at this school so I was ready to be lazy. I detest the 6th grade at this particular school. Uncooperative, lazy, moody and to honest, bar literally 3 students, downright DUMB. They are as dumb as you can get.

First I get told that there's been a switch. Instead of 5th grade I would be teaching 1st grade in the first period. All 68 of them. So the teachers come up to me and tell me that I'll be doing my self introduction. I'm just staring at them in disbelief.

Jade: No one told me that the schedule had changed, so I don't have ANYTHING with me.

Teachers: Oh.

Jade: As in literally nothing.

Teachers: It's OK, you can just talk.

Jade (mouth dropping open): With no pictures?! To 1st grade?!?!?!?!?

Teachers: Yes

Jade (laughing): I don't think so!! That will never work and that's a really bad idea.

Teachers: HMMMMMMMMMMMM..................

Jade (rolling her eyes at the stupidity of these people): I'm gonna go home and pick up some stuff for the intro and then come back OK?

Teachers: OK.

I can't believe they would even suggest something so stupid. But the class ended up being a roaring success. Amazing what the pic of an afro can do. They were remarkably controlled becaus e in that respect the teachers do their job properly. But not in 6th grade.

2 mins before the 6th grade lesson, the teacher comes up to me and tells me that he has no idea for today's class and asks me if I have an idea. 2 mins BEFORE THE DAMN CLASS?! I had been sitting there for 10 and he asks me now?!?! He said he hasn't had the time. Visibly annoyed and not being able to process all this bullshit, I asked him what about the summer holiday!??!

Lucky for him I can think on my feet for those kind of situations. But what annoys me about the 6th grade is the teachers provide no motivational support and the kids are just too dumb and moody and just the worst type of class for a teacher. I was getting more and more pissed off throughout the class and really struggled to hide it. They can't even follow simple rules and instructions and I ended up saying that I don't understand how 2nd grade can play these games and understand me and you can't - I'm literally playing the game in front of you - what don't you get?!

Even worse? The teacher at no point decided to intervene and translate into Japanese. I'd managed to grab a couple of mins before class to explain what we'd be doing (in Japanese - none of the teachers at this school speak English). I just gave up and finished the class early. I'm sick of wasting my time and energy with this grade. I've brought it up a couple of times and they improve for one class and then it goes back to normal. Might be time to take it further up the chain.....

A stark contrast with 5th - the teacher came up to me and gave me lesson plans for the next 2 weeks - fair enough they're in Japanese but I can work them out. At least he's organised!

My energy has been totally drained. And I still have classes this afternoon. At least the 5th and 6th grade that I'm gonna be teaching are awesome and smart so I know it's gonna be fun.

Now I just have to get genkified again and try and calm down a bit!

Dumb asses

Wednesday 3 September 2008

People are so....ARGH!

I think I've given up actually believing that there are truly honest people out there.

I'm not stupid - everyone lies. But then you see people who tell other people that they really ARE their friend - that they're there for them when they're going through a hard time...

...and then you see that person go and slag them off to someone else!!

Why do you bother in the first place?! You don't have to be liked by everybody. And you're NOT liked by everybody. So why do you try to be? I don't understand.

I went to an all girls school between the ages of 12-18. When you go to a single sex school, especially an all girls school, you see bitchiness beyond belief. And that's when I grew tired of 2-faced people.

But I hate seeing people offer all this emotional support to others, only to turn around later and slate that person for being the way that they are. You should be taking your hat off to people who refuse to change the way that they are so that they are liked by everyone.

Of course, people ADJUST their behaviour according to who they're with. But there's a line. You don't pretend to be a party animal to hang out with a certain crowd and then later turn to other people and bitch that the party animal 'crew' are too hardcore and that you would prefer to chill. Likewise, you don't hang with the 'chill crew' and then tell the 'party crew' that they're boring. You don't pretend that you're upbringing was the same as someone else's and then turn around to someone else and complain how different upbringings are so you can never really get along with someone.

I've recently watched this exchange between 2 people. Who are supposedly good friends. It's not my place to intervene and speak to this person even though they express one of my most hated characteristics in another person. This is my way of venting.

Slagging someone off is normal. It happens all the time and everyone does it. BUT I can't bear seeing someone kiss someone's ass and then say horrible things about them later. There's no need for that. If you're gonna slate someone then you only have to be civil to them - you don't have to pretend to be their friend.


Tuesday 2 September 2008


You know, people used to say to me 'I would hate to have to go to 2 schools in one day'.

But it beats staying at one all day.

You know why?

Because when schools are practicing for sports day, lunch is at 12.05. And then I don't have to be at my second school until 2pm. Well, I probably should go in earlier but I don't! That's nearly a 2 hour lunch break!!

Even when they're not practicing, I still get at least 1hr 20mins.

Which means I get to come back home and either get in a decent nap or watch an episode of HOUSE.

Think the latter takes my fancy today!!

Monday 1 September 2008


I haven't had food in my house for weeks!!

Just the staple - rice/pasta and all the seasonings. Oh yeh and some prawns.

Recently I've been so broke I haven't had the money to do a decent food shop. I still don't really but I have been lent some so there's no excuse now.

Maybe I'll go tomorrow. After all, I have an oven now so the cooking possibilites are endless!

If I could get all the ingredients I needed that is!

I'm really looking forward to baking again more than anything. The thought of being able to satisfy my sweet tooth whenever I like is irresistable to me!! I love it after I've done a 2man food shop and have my fridge, freezer and shelves fully stacked with deliciousness!!

I need to make a trip to costco. To get baking goodies more than anything else. I realised the last time I went there that is isn't actually that cheap. But you pay the insane amount of money to buy things that you can't get in regular supermarkets. The annoying thing about Costco is you have to buy in bulk. It's annoying because sometimes you only want a BIT of something - not 1000g!! And then it just ends up getting wasted - food seems to spoil here pretty fast. Shit refrigeration is the cause!!

I really don't have the money for a Costco shop. But I think I'm gonna go anyway!


What a Waste of Time

I really wasn't looking forward to going back to school.

I was hoping that when I saw my middle school kids I'd be pleased to see them.

But I wasn't!! LOL!!!

To be honest I have been bored shitless all day. The kids had tests and were practicing for sports day so I spent the whole day in the staff room reading a book.

I just felt annoyed and tired. But then I was debating whether it's better to be paid to sit there all day or be at home and not get paid.....

Sitting at school all day means you can just read, study or do lesson prep. Staying at home means that I'd end up sleeping in till late and then spend all day online watching House.

It's just so damn boring. Even one of my JTE's thinks it's ridiculous that I have to go in when there are no classes being taught all week. She said it would be better for me to just go to the BOE.

I couldn't agree more - at least then I could bugger off at 12 and 'study' at home.

I bet I'm gonna wish I was at my middle school when it gets to tomorrow afternoon - they might not have any scheduled classes but all my elementary schools do!!
