“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 28 September 2008

Hangover remedy drink my ARSE!!!

I embarked on some heavier-than-planned drinking last night.

Knowing that I was gonna be pulling an all nighter, I bought this drink that supposedly stops you from getting a hangover.

My arse it does!

It's weird coz back home I don't really get hangovers. I might feel a bit dodgy in terms of not wanting to eat anything but that's about it. Over here I get the full on pounding headache. I didn't even drink that much! - maybe 8/9 drinks?! But it's weird coz over here if I drink wine or champagne, regardless of how many glasses I have, I ALWAYS wake up with a headache. Weird huh?

Last night was great though. I went into town on my own and then met up with a couple of girls I haven't seen for a long time. We had a good dance, moan and it's so easy to forget how much you enjoy spending time with certain people until you actually do. My girl's a star and she doesn't even realise it ;-)

Really hate the whole first train back in the morning thing tho...but I was thinking about how many times last year I used to book a hotel. What a waste of money! On average I'm normally done with a night out anytime between 4.30 and 5am. The first train is at 5.36. It's worth soldiering on for that extra hour than throwing away money on a hotel, right?

LOL although I totally fell asleep and missed my transfer stops!

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