“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 6 September 2008

Scared? Try petrified!!

I was about to get into my car when I noticed a spider running across the back seat.

Some people are good with spiders. Some people are scared of spiders. Me? I'm absolutely PETRIFIED of them!

I jumped back, let out a little scream and then called my friend back to get it out my car. I couldn't even get in the car, let alone drive if there's a spider in it.

My friend came back and tried to hit it with his shoe but it ran away and then jumped over the back seat. I made him check every inch of my car and even then I still wasn't satisfied that it had gone. The sight of it alone made me slightly hyperventilate, sweat and I really thought I was going to throw up.

I felt bad because while this was going on, my friend was being eaten alive by mosquitoes. But the alternative was me noticing that spider when I was driving and then I KNOW i would've crashed my car. Even when driving back I was completely paranoid, jumpy and it took a long time for my breathing to calm down.

A few months back there was a spider in my house. I ran outside and physically could not go back in. I ended up driving 20 mins just to pick up a friend to come back to my house to kill it. It was one of the biggest spiders I have ever seen and once past a certain size I can't go anywhere near them. I can't stay in a room if there's a spider in there. And this spider made me cry and I broke out in a such a big sweat I was drenched within minutes. She never found the spider and I couldn't sleep for 3 days. It showed up again when I was on the loo. Thank God I'd already finished peeing otherwise there would've been an accident!! I ended up spraying so much bug spray under the door it set off my gas detector. Even after it was dead and had fallen to the floor, it took me at least half an hour to build up the courage to get rid of it and I was screaming and crying the whole time.

People found it hilarious. I'm very aware that some people think it's pathetic or that I'm over reacting. But what you have to understand is that I'm actually SCARED!! The whole 'it's more scared of you' thing doesn't work with me. I can kill a cockroach - I don't like them either but I can kill them. But spiders are on a whole other level. They scare the shit outta me.

And it's not funny.

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