“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 10 September 2008

London, London, London

Over the last couple of days I've been watching 'Secret Diary of a Call Girl'.

And it got me thinking about London.

I really miss the British accent!! Or more specifically the various London accents!!

And I miss going to West End clubs with my girls, jumping queues, never paying and being marched straight into VIP. OK...not quite marched but you get my meaning!! What we don't have here are those really nice sophis lounge bars. Sinking back into a bit fat squishy sofa with an apple and cinnamon martini.Ooooohhhhhhhhh I REALLY want one of those!! Those kind of places must exist...maybe in Roppongi but I need one here!!

Fat chance!!

I wouldn't mind a trip back just to go shopping. I adore shopping in London. King's Road and Oxford St are undoubtedly my favourites!! Normally sales shopping on Oxford St drives me mad, but when I was back in London last Christmas, I LOVED it! Because I took my time and relaxed instead of getting irritated and feeling rushed.

Although, those crowds and vultures are enough to push even the most patient person to the limit!!

That's what I've been thinking about today. That and the fact that it's typical for it to change into perfect sunbathing weather now that I'm back at school and don't have as much free time to go to the beach!! Grrrrr...

That's not stopping me though - I went on Monday and am going again tomorrow!! Let's face it - everyone looks better with a tan!


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