“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 3 September 2008

People are so....ARGH!

I think I've given up actually believing that there are truly honest people out there.

I'm not stupid - everyone lies. But then you see people who tell other people that they really ARE their friend - that they're there for them when they're going through a hard time...

...and then you see that person go and slag them off to someone else!!

Why do you bother in the first place?! You don't have to be liked by everybody. And you're NOT liked by everybody. So why do you try to be? I don't understand.

I went to an all girls school between the ages of 12-18. When you go to a single sex school, especially an all girls school, you see bitchiness beyond belief. And that's when I grew tired of 2-faced people.

But I hate seeing people offer all this emotional support to others, only to turn around later and slate that person for being the way that they are. You should be taking your hat off to people who refuse to change the way that they are so that they are liked by everyone.

Of course, people ADJUST their behaviour according to who they're with. But there's a line. You don't pretend to be a party animal to hang out with a certain crowd and then later turn to other people and bitch that the party animal 'crew' are too hardcore and that you would prefer to chill. Likewise, you don't hang with the 'chill crew' and then tell the 'party crew' that they're boring. You don't pretend that you're upbringing was the same as someone else's and then turn around to someone else and complain how different upbringings are so you can never really get along with someone.

I've recently watched this exchange between 2 people. Who are supposedly good friends. It's not my place to intervene and speak to this person even though they express one of my most hated characteristics in another person. This is my way of venting.

Slagging someone off is normal. It happens all the time and everyone does it. BUT I can't bear seeing someone kiss someone's ass and then say horrible things about them later. There's no need for that. If you're gonna slate someone then you only have to be civil to them - you don't have to pretend to be their friend.


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