“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 1 September 2008


I haven't had food in my house for weeks!!

Just the staple - rice/pasta and all the seasonings. Oh yeh and some prawns.

Recently I've been so broke I haven't had the money to do a decent food shop. I still don't really but I have been lent some so there's no excuse now.

Maybe I'll go tomorrow. After all, I have an oven now so the cooking possibilites are endless!

If I could get all the ingredients I needed that is!

I'm really looking forward to baking again more than anything. The thought of being able to satisfy my sweet tooth whenever I like is irresistable to me!! I love it after I've done a 2man food shop and have my fridge, freezer and shelves fully stacked with deliciousness!!

I need to make a trip to costco. To get baking goodies more than anything else. I realised the last time I went there that is isn't actually that cheap. But you pay the insane amount of money to buy things that you can't get in regular supermarkets. The annoying thing about Costco is you have to buy in bulk. It's annoying because sometimes you only want a BIT of something - not 1000g!! And then it just ends up getting wasted - food seems to spoil here pretty fast. Shit refrigeration is the cause!!

I really don't have the money for a Costco shop. But I think I'm gonna go anyway!


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