“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 4 September 2008

Pure disorganization

Ufff.....what a morning.

I go into elementary school thinking that I'm gonna be teaching 5th and 6th grade. The teachers do all the prep at this school so I was ready to be lazy. I detest the 6th grade at this particular school. Uncooperative, lazy, moody and to honest, bar literally 3 students, downright DUMB. They are as dumb as you can get.

First I get told that there's been a switch. Instead of 5th grade I would be teaching 1st grade in the first period. All 68 of them. So the teachers come up to me and tell me that I'll be doing my self introduction. I'm just staring at them in disbelief.

Jade: No one told me that the schedule had changed, so I don't have ANYTHING with me.

Teachers: Oh.

Jade: As in literally nothing.

Teachers: It's OK, you can just talk.

Jade (mouth dropping open): With no pictures?! To 1st grade?!?!?!?!?

Teachers: Yes

Jade (laughing): I don't think so!! That will never work and that's a really bad idea.

Teachers: HMMMMMMMMMMMM..................

Jade (rolling her eyes at the stupidity of these people): I'm gonna go home and pick up some stuff for the intro and then come back OK?

Teachers: OK.

I can't believe they would even suggest something so stupid. But the class ended up being a roaring success. Amazing what the pic of an afro can do. They were remarkably controlled becaus e in that respect the teachers do their job properly. But not in 6th grade.

2 mins before the 6th grade lesson, the teacher comes up to me and tells me that he has no idea for today's class and asks me if I have an idea. 2 mins BEFORE THE DAMN CLASS?! I had been sitting there for 10 and he asks me now?!?! He said he hasn't had the time. Visibly annoyed and not being able to process all this bullshit, I asked him what about the summer holiday!??!

Lucky for him I can think on my feet for those kind of situations. But what annoys me about the 6th grade is the teachers provide no motivational support and the kids are just too dumb and moody and just the worst type of class for a teacher. I was getting more and more pissed off throughout the class and really struggled to hide it. They can't even follow simple rules and instructions and I ended up saying that I don't understand how 2nd grade can play these games and understand me and you can't - I'm literally playing the game in front of you - what don't you get?!

Even worse? The teacher at no point decided to intervene and translate into Japanese. I'd managed to grab a couple of mins before class to explain what we'd be doing (in Japanese - none of the teachers at this school speak English). I just gave up and finished the class early. I'm sick of wasting my time and energy with this grade. I've brought it up a couple of times and they improve for one class and then it goes back to normal. Might be time to take it further up the chain.....

A stark contrast with 5th - the teacher came up to me and gave me lesson plans for the next 2 weeks - fair enough they're in Japanese but I can work them out. At least he's organised!

My energy has been totally drained. And I still have classes this afternoon. At least the 5th and 6th grade that I'm gonna be teaching are awesome and smart so I know it's gonna be fun.

Now I just have to get genkified again and try and calm down a bit!

Dumb asses

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