“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 18 September 2008

No More!!!!

I have HAD IT up to HERE with the effing ungrateful teachers at one of my schools.

I've been doing a 2 part Olympic lession at my elementary schools. In total, it has taken me close to 30 hours to prepare. I made medals and everything.

So I had one class on Tuesday. It went really well and the kids had a good time.

And then I had it today at the school that i HATE with a passion. The teachers decided to combine the classes and I have 52 kids running riot in the gym. I told them that it's their job to control them. Which they didn't. This class is normally OKish but today they were such a pain in the ass. They were bending the medals I'd made and chucking them about, not listening so I told the teachers to take over because I'd had enough of shouting and wasn't prepared to lose my voice for them. No acknowledgement at the end of the class how hard I'd worked to prepare for it.

Then the cheeky 6th grade teacher (who told me again today that he had no ideas for the class 2 mins before it was sposed to start) told me that next week he wanted to fo the Olympic class I'd just done with 5th grade. I hate this teacher - he's a lazy ******. So I told him OK....and just as a big grin spread across his face, I told him that he would have to do all the prep himself because I won't have time. I told him I wouldn't make the medals. Just because I don't believe that these kids deserve my efforts on that scale. I've wasted enough on them already adn never get any thanks from anyone.

Such a contrast to the school I did the same lesson with this afternoon. They were an absolute DREAM. I've always adored this class because the kids are so smart and the teachers do so much to help me out with lesson prep. When I got there, they'd already marked out lanes on the gym floor and got flags and whistles out and music and everything! I wasn't even expecting them to do anything. And they told the kids to take care of the medals because I'd spent a long time making them all myself. How nice is that?

I don't need teachers to tell me how great I am all the time!! But I think that when you've gone to a lot of trouble to prepare for a class, it's nice for that effort to be acknowledged. I mean 30 hours?!

Well, I've learnt my lesson. I won't be putting myself out that much again.

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