“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 7 September 2008

Sunset Live

I spent the day yesterday on Keya Beach at the Sunset Live festival.

I went by myself and had an AWESOME time!

There are so many benefits to being a foreigner in Japan. And being a foreigner at a festival alone - well....

I didn't pay FOR A SINGLE THING. People were giving me food and drink left right and centre!! It was a shame I was driving otherwise I would've got wrecked for free! And I posed for a total of 23 pictures. Those people gave me crisps, drinks, chocolate and offered to buy me yakitori or jerk chicken.

it would've been rude to say no ;-)

At the same time, the disadvantage of being on your own is you can't prevent people from constantly coming up to you. And I seemed to attract all the freaks in that place!! Turns out that a couple of these 'freaks' were performers and I'd just told them I didn't want to talk to them (they were SERIOUSLY weird).

I loved this festival. The atmosphere was amazing and I loved the layout - there were 2 big stages and a couple of smaller ones, all offering different styles to account for music tastes. Needless to say the reggae and trance were the most popular. I haven't REALLY listened to trance for a long time. But I got so caught up in the vibe I found myself jumping and wildly waving my hands in the air with everyone else!! I was really impressed with the massive selection of food as well. Although I didn't get to try a lot of different things coz I was stuffed with the yakitori that people kept buying for me!

I think I prefer Sunset Live to Isla de Salsa. I liked the vibe more. Prob because there were hardly any foreigners there so it was more about having fun than trying to pull. Such a great day out.

My legs are suffering today though - I danced so hard!! Oh, and I'm covered in mosquito bites - including one in a place I can't scratch on my back!

I wish I could've stayed for today too. Damn sports days!!

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