“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 9 February 2011


I went for my trial lessons today.

I told you last time about the school that I really liked, but which was really expensive, right?

Well the first trial lesson that I had today was at that school. And I loved it! The teacher was so nice and she was able to explain things really well, backed up by good, solid examples which made the grammar easy to understand first time around. The best bit about it was that I realised that I've been using some of the grammar structures without even realising HOW to actually use them. It was cool coz I left feeling like I'd already made a little progress - and that was just after 45 minutes.

The second trial lesson I had was more of a consultation. The school is considerably cheaper but I'm in a position where I need to find a teacher that matches. There are a few reasons why I'm hesitating with this school - none of which I'm at liberty to write about here - but with some gentle persuasion, I've decided to give it another chance and have a trial lesson next week with another teacher. I think I should seeing how this school is a third of the price of the other one.

Do I go to the school that I was really impressed with but is gonna cost me over £1500, or do I go to the other school where it costs under £600 but I would run the risk of being talked about and where it's a pain in the arse to get to? It's such a mammoth price difference. I'll see what happens with the trial.

I'm actually debating joining both. Using the school I love for the hardcore, JLPT prep (which would still be fun - the teacher is LOVELY) for 90 mins and then go to the other school for maybe just conversation? I mean, the lessons there are only 40 minutes so it would be a good chance to put into practice what I learnt at the other place right? Or do you think that that would be a complete waste of money? I kinda like the idea because it means I would be taking 2 lessons a week and would get to study with 2 different teachers instead of the same person all the time. The prices that I quoted above are for 30 lessons, but with the second school, I could start with 10 lessons and see how it goes. I mean, if I decided to go JUST with the second school, then it goes without saying that I would have to book double lessons, and even that works out to be less than the other school.

I'm just not sure what the best thing to do is - what do you think?


1 comment:

Albert said...

Long time no chat!

I just saw that you're looking at schools - I did a considerable amount of research when I was in Tokyo, so let me know if I can help.

Best to you and your kindle,