“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 27 June 2012


I can't believe that we are nearly in July already.

July and August. The hardest months of the year.


Because they are the months that everyone leaves.

Last year was really hard as I said goodbye to 3 of my girlfriends. This year I'm going to be saying goodbye to one of my best friends who I've had the pleasure of getting to know over the last 3 years.

There are so few people who I can be 100% myself with. He is one of them and I'm gonna miss him loads when he goes!! But it's all good - you can't ask for anything better than memories!



Today was the most painless visit to the ward office I've ever had!!

Normally I get tripped up on all the different words for all the different taxes, but for some reason, today was as smooth as it could ever get.

I was worried about my gaijin card coz it's expired and because the new system comes into play soon, renewing now is an advance application for the new residence card, so I won't get that until after July 30th. It's gonna be ready in the immigration office, but I'm just hoping there won't be any problems since I come back to Japan after pickup window. The guy said it would probably be fine but gave me a number to call if I wanted to check anyway. Silky smooth.

Then it was onto the health insurance section, where I thought I'd have to argue really hard about paying twice for February. I explained it, found out that I was actually right, received an apology and got told the money would be deducted from my June payment and I'd only have to pay the excess.

Sometimes I really underestimate my own Japanese ability. Of course it's not perfect, but it really is enough to get by.

I even managed to ignored the petrified faces of the staff as they saw me coming towards them - the more rewarding thing was watching them relax into their chair when they realised that they wouldn't have to use any English.

Knackered after my aqua class. I swear that it has gotten so much harder - and not only because I haven't been for ages! I was talking to one of the other women who goes religiously every week and even she was knackered so that was OK. There's a new aqua class starting next month which looks more like boxing in water - DYING to try it out if I can sync the class times with my work schedule. If not, I'll just wait until August and plan work around it. 

Definitely gonna need a red bull before work today!


Busy Busy

So it's Wednesday again - probably the busiest day of the week for me by a mile.

Because I don't startw ork until 5.30, Wednesday is always the day that I go out and run all those annoying errands that I never have time to do on any other day.

Today it's gonna be the gym, then the ward office to argue about my health insurance (I swear I've paid one month twice), renew my alien registration card, hit up the post office, pay about 150,000 yen's worth of bills, pay my rent (and kiss goodbye to 300,000yen right there), hit the supermarket and then get back home to receive test results from the doctor and hopefully some good news from my other appointment last week.

And then after all of that, I have to head into work until after 9pm.


I've been speaking a lot to people about ways to save money recently. It's common knowledge that I absolutely SUCK at it, but my friend told me that his girlfriend was putting 70,000yen away every month in an account that she didn't touch. 6 years later, she finally updated her passbook and found out that she had over 4 million yen stashed away.

How great a surprise would that be?!

I'm thinking about maybe opening another account and doing the same thing. And then every 6 months sending the whole lot back to the UK and shoving it in an ISA or fixed bond. The crappy thing is the timing for starting those kinda things - I won't be receiving another full pay check until October now, so it's gonna be a bit tight for a few months. I'm already going back to the UK with way less money than I was expecting - I thought about hashing it out at the ward office about the payments for my inhabitant tax, but even if the payments were lower every month, I'd still have to pay the same amount, so for me, I think it's better to just get the payments outta the way as soon as possible. 

And then there's the whole thing with my laziness going to the gym. I have 2 choices, go more, or quit. If I quit, I doubt I'll do any exercise at home - even though I have a whole loada stuff here that I would work out with. I'm paying a fortune every month and only going once or twice at best. I've started to feel more and more guilty about that recently, so I'm gonna try and make it at least twice a week. If I'm feeling lazy or tired, it's better to cut back on one or two lessons than throw that money away. I can make the lessons up at some other point, but I won't receive any of that membership money back.

OK, I'm out. It's gonna be a long day.


Tuesday 26 June 2012


Why can't the temperature in the office be relative to the weather outside?!

Today was GORGEOUS!! Sunny but with a breeze and NOT HOT. It was warm. The office air con could easily have been set at light 28 or something and it would have been fine.

I was OK for about 10 minutes and then I had to put my jacket on as I sat directly underneath the blazing air con. My clients were complaining and I was shivering. 

But everytime I requested that it got turned up, someone started moaning that it was too cold again!! No joke, by this evening (and when the temperature had dropped significantly outside) it seemed like it was even colder and I had to request AGAIN that the damn thing got turned up - preferably off. I left work with a headache and a snuffly nose. =(

Whatever happened to saving energy?!!??!


Rise And Shine Tokyo!

Wow - it is such a gorgeous morning in Tokyo today!

I woke up, opened the curtains and windows and have been enjoying the beautiful sunlight and a light breeze streaming through my lounge. **BIG SMILE**

And on top of that, I actually have some time to kick back this morning, do my nails and make a nice breakfast before heading into work this afternoon.

I love mornings like this - always makes for a more positive start to the day. And then makes me wish that I was heading to the beach instead of into a freezing cold air conditioned office! HAHAHA! 

Still it's better than rain! 

Have a great day everyone!


Monday 25 June 2012


Over the last couple of days, I've been getting these insane cravings that have been just IMPOSSIBLE to ignore.

Yesterday after I got home from work, I made lunch and then got hit by the sweet bug.

I'd already scoffed every ounce of chocolate that was about and had absolutely NOTHING sweet in the house. I tried to satisfy it with raisins but of course they didn't cut it.

So even though I really couldn't be arsed and had a million other things to do, I dropped everything and made a stack of pancakes. Of course I had the intention of saving some but that didn't happen - LOL!

Then today while I was at work, I couldn't stop thinking about Burger King. Or a double bacon whopper with cheese to be more specific. It's really annoying because the whole point of dropping a whole load of cash at Costco was to try and save money by making my meals instead of buying them. But I just couldn't get the thought outta my mind and totally went to BK before my Japanese class today. DOH!

Then I came home and cooked up some lamb and also made a whole load of inarizushi. I love the cooking part - I just hate all the washing up afterwards! Such a pain in the arse.

In the midst of all the Olympic excitement, I had totally forgotten about Wimbledon! I checked the website and then main competition starts today...shame that the TV channel that I can watch the live games on I need to pay for! I do enjoy a spot of Wimbledon though - it was great last year because I was back in London from the Quarter Finals and I remember parking my arse in front of the TV and not moving. No such luck this year though!

 Hard to believe that in just a month I'm gonna be back in the UK. Before you know it, it's gonna be Christmas again! The years are just flying by - it's hard to keep up with everything!


Sunday 24 June 2012


After work today I went shopping to buy the jacket that I lost in Nippori station when I was on my way to the airport earlier on this month.

I was just gonna cut my losses, but I REALLY love that jacket and I decided just to buy another one.

I am absolutely loving the summer 2012 stuff in the shops right now. I was walking around and there was so much stuff that I was dying to try on and buy but I was good. I'm going back to London next month and I am gonna have a mammoth shopping spree there. It's gonna be cheaper as well! 

God I am DYING to go shopping!!! I wanna buy sooooo many new clothes. I know I don't need them but everything is so cute right now that I just have to have it. Mind you, I still need to be kinda restricted - I'm not gonna have as much money to spend as I would like with the increase in taxes and health insurance.

Such a pain.

But so looking forward to hitting up Topshop and then rest of Oxford Street - SELFRIDGES...not to mention a trip to Westfield.

So exciting!!!


Friday 22 June 2012

The Irony!

How unlucky can I be? Seriously?!

I only went for a full medical check on Wednesday - whilst I'm still waiting for a few results, the doctor declared me in full health.

So what happens today? I'm getting an effing cold!!!

I woke up feeling absolutely shattered - I thought it was just because I went to bed too late last night after watching the latest episode of SYTYCD and cooking. Normally, a can of red bull would sort me out, but today it did nothing. 

And then at about 9 this morning I started feeling snuffly....and then started sneezing....and then started coughing. It hasn't turned into a full blown cold yet but I find it so damn ironic that this happens right after I've been told I'm in good health. So typical!!

And then I realised that this is actually my first cold this year! It's coz the trains and the offices have the air con absolutely blazing - I generally get some kinda cold around this time. I've cancelled my plans tomorrow night and am gonna try and hit the sack before midnight and try and sleep it off.

I found myself being a little short-tempered and snappy today. Luckily, it's easy to keep outta everyone's way working in Shinjuku, so I just did my thing and came straight home. 

Really hoping I can kill this before it gets worse!


Wednesday 20 June 2012

Now That's....

.....what I call a productive day off!!

Time always flies when you're not at work - you sit there day after day with the time dragging slower than you thought ever possible, yet when it comes to your day off - BAM! You're day is over, just like that.

Which is really annoying coz since this is only my second day off in a couple of weeks, I've been insanely busy and don't have enough hours in the day to do everything that I need to do.


I was gonna hit up the gym this morning, but after some calculating, I realised that if I went, by the time I'd walked back. dried my hair and gotten changed, I would've been late for my appointment. =(

So I spent this morning filling in forms preparing for my appointment and preparing to check out a new doctor's clinc. Suited and booted, I headed out to Iidabashi, had my appointment and then went to Shimokitazawa to go and see a doctor that my friend recommended.

I've had so much trouble finding someone decent since I've been in Tokyo. I've always gone to the hospital nearest my house and had to struggle through trying to explain what I want. My medical vocabulary isn't huge and doesn't expand much beyond the common medical problems. And even if it did, the doctors never simplify down THEIR vocabulary, so it always takes me ages to work out what they're saying. So I've been on the hunt for a decent English speaking doctor...which accepts the National Health Insurance.

Problem is, I wanted to go in for a full physical. That was one fo the good things about JET - they sent you off to the hospital for comprehensive medical checks and I haven't had one for 3 years. The clinic I went to does accept the medical insurance...but it doesn't cover the annual physical. DOH!! 

But hey - there's no price on health. I got everything I wanted checked and I went all out and had all the additional options as well - the pap smear, STD testing, chest X-ray - I mean, why not?! It may have pushed the price up much higher than it needed to be, but I'm due a smear anyway, it never hurts to get checked for STDs and who says no to a chest X-ray?! LOL! 

What's great as well is that they're gonna email me all the results in a week. So I don't even have to wait for mail or go back in. the ONLY shocking thing for me was to find out that I've shrunk!!!! I used to be 173cm and now I'm only 172! >_< I want my 1cm back!!!!! 

Time to get working on improving my posture!


Tuesday 19 June 2012

Itchy Itchy Itchy

There are no words for how knackered I am this evening.

I told you that I was out on Sunday, ne? Well, smartarse here didn't think about the consequences of wearing booty shorts to the park....and staying there until dark.

My legs are covered with about 20 mosquito bites...and they are seriously ITCHY!!!!

I swear Japanese mozzies are the WORST!!! And I was up all night trying to resist the urge to scratch....of course, I failed, but I barely slept at all.

Then it was into work, where I was greeted by a crap loada insanely slow paced clients. Minus 2 or 3 of them, I was seriously losing my cool with the stupid amounts of amateurish grammar mistakes, while being constantly agitated by these annoying itchy bites.

My patience was pushed as I was practically falling asleep in my last few lessons from tiredness, annoyance and just wanting to get the hell outta the office.

On a more positive note though, I went in today to be greeted by caramel Tim Tams from Oz! Not only that, I got almond chocolates, LaDuree macaroons and Lindt chocolate as birthday pressies from my clients. I tucked straight in and after about half a box of the almond choccies I felt sick and started sharing them....not before I scoffed half the macaroons though!

So in a surprising turn of events, I actually came home with most of them!! Pretty sure the whole lot will  be gone by the end of tomorrow! I have a day off, but I will be insanely busy with a whole loada appointments, going to pick up my camera, going to the gym (if this rain lets up), going to the supermarket, cleaning and laundry.

Some day off this is going to be!



Monday 18 June 2012

Life Is Good

I have had such a great weekend - although no lie - I'm seriously feeling the lack of sleep tonight!

So on Saturday night was my final bday celebration. It ended up being a really great night and rolled over with hanging out with some people we met yesterday.

It always makes me smile when I hang with Brits that haven't been living here for a while. They sound so....British!! And I hear loadsa slang which just makes me think of home. I mean, it's always nice when you're surrounded by people who understand British sarcasm! HAHA!

Then today after work it was straight to my Japanese class. I haven't seen my teacher for a couple of weeks and I had so much to tell him. I have decided that I really need to get my arse into gear and study more seriously when I get back from the UK.


I will - I promise! HAHA!

And after some late afternoon fun (^_-), I've just enjoyed a really good dinner of pork loins all seasoned and juicy with a huge salad and veggies. It's so nice to be cooking again now that I just have some much food from Costco lying around. 

I've just watched some really weird movie on TV as well...the perfect way to spend my Monday night!!


Friday 15 June 2012


It's really funny how quickly that feeling that I had earlier has dissipated.

It hasn't completely gone yet, I mean, I'm still disappointed, but I've decided to place my focus elsewhere.

After watching the latest episode of SYTYCD, it reminded me that I should be focusing on more personal goals than getting a new purse or a new handbag or a new pair of shoes. 

As much as it sucks, at SOME point, another chance could just come around. And even if it doesn't, I do have ONE Jimmy Choo already. =)

This new season is probably one of the most phenomenal yet. The level of talent - especially among the hip hop dancers is absolutely insane. Every time I watch the show, it always makes me want to get back into dance, but I just feel like I'm too old now to start back with that again.

But it has given me the kick up the butt I need to get back into my aerobics classes at the gym.
And even though I'm out on Saturday night, I'm gonna try my hardest to get to my step class in the late afternoon.



I am in the biggest funk right now.

Bad mood doesn't even come close. Neither does upset.

I am absolutely DEVASTATED.

The crappiest bit about it is that I know probably 99.9% of you won't understand.

So I told you before that my fantabulous friend gave me an invite to the Jimmy Choo private sale?

I had it all planned out - finish work at 6.15 in Shinjuku, give myself 10mins to finish everything up and then head to the station and meet my girl at Omote-sando at 6.45.

I ended up getting there at 7.35, we got lost and by the time we rocked up at the location it was 8.01.

The closing time was 8pm.


We got there, the doors were still open, we could see shelves and shelves of beautiful bags....just sitting there, begging to be bought....and then the security guard told us we weren't allowed it.

Begging was redundant - they weren't having any of it.

There were no words for how I felt at that moment - I welled up.


Yeah, yeah I know. Spolit, blah, blah, blah. But before you judge and call me shallow or whatever, remember that I spoil myself. I didn't have any of these luxuries growing up, I'm not from a wealthy family. I have been working my arse off since I was 16 years old to have what I have today and to be able to afford all these luxuries like designer bags, shoes and holidays. I did this myself - I don't have anyone buying all this stuff for me. So you can't call me spoilt.

These kind of opportunities never come around. I had wanted to go to a private sales for years, but have never had the chance to go, or be invited. We got there and found out that the discount was from 50%. Probably up to 70% I reckon. do you have any idea how HUGE that is?!?!?! On Jimmy Choo?!

I don't care that I already have a Jimmy Choo bag. I want a matching purse and a pair of super strappy sandals and a pair of flats. And with that kind of discount, I would've been able to buy all 3. Talk about a bargain!!!

I feel so shitty right now, I just wanna cry.


I was working out if I could make it in my lunch break tomorrow - but with the commute times and the stupid annoying walk from the station to my new office, I would have 15 minutes in there. I'm not gonna lie - I was tempted. But then I knew it would just be horrecdously stressful and wouldn't be the fabulous experience that it's supposed to be. I had decided to do it but then I thought I'd lost the invite. I was sifting through my diary on the train and then nearly had a panic attack when I thought it wasn't there. I mailed my girl and when she said she didn't have it, when I got home I emptied my bag all over the floor, frantically ravaging through all the crap I'm carrying around looking for it. It was under my make up bag!!! PHEW!!!

I kinda took it as a sign - I dunno. It completely breaks my heart to miss out on something like this, but I have decided to give the invite to my friend so she can enjoy it with her husband or one of her friends. I'm calling it an early birthday present!! I mean seriously - apart from buying a bag for her myself, you can't really top that, can you?

Karma, right? This generosity should come back round at some point in the future, ne?

Knowing my luck - probably not. =(



Wednesday 13 June 2012


You know every now and again I like to switch up all my top pics on here.

What do you think of this one? The one above?

Isn't it beautiful?

When you're in Guam, there isn't really  a mammoth amount for you to do. Luckily, my friend and I are complete beach bums, so going away for just a weekend, it didn't really matter.

But we were lucky enough on the first day to see this stunning sunset.

I love sunsets so much. Easily my favourite time of day - especially when I get to get a view like this. The amount of precious sunsets I've seen - I'm always amazed how some people just can't appreciate them. But then again, everyone has their thing.

I was knackered at work today. I finished up so late last night and was never really able to recover today. Luckily when you're training, it doesn't require the hugest amount of effort or work - just sit back and absorb. And think about the PRIVATE JIMMY CHOO SALE I've been invited to on Friday! HAHAHA! 

It certainly pays to know the right people....or work for them. =)

Of course, I'm gonna TRY really hard not to buy anything, I already bought a Jimmy Choo bag this year and even at sale prices, it's hardly gonna be cheap. BUT if there is a super special bargain....well, I'm just not gonna eb able to resist!! HEHEHE!!


Monday 11 June 2012


OMG I am so annoyed!!

I told you in my last post that my camera decided to give up on me in Guam, right?

So sad.

It was so weird. I was in the hotel room showing my friend some pics on my camera - the low battery warning was flashing, so I took the battery out and charged it. It charged fine - the red light was on while it was charging and then when it was fully charged, the light turned green.

I put it back into my camera, pressed the power button....

....and then nothing!!!

I was so, so gutted. I LOVE my camera - from the colour, to the size, to the touchscreen and to the fantastic quality fo the photos. I spend that whole weekend messing around with it. There was a moment when it made a noise, and all that did was raise my hopes.....only for them to come crashing down again.

I dunno - I thought that one day after I was back, I would be able to press the power button and it would be miraculously working again!

No such luck.

Another friend told me that he has gotten through a couple of lithium batteries for his Canon over the last couple of years, so I really hope it's just the battery that is uffed up, but then again - why would the charging lights come on if the battery wasn't working?!

I'm gonna head into BIC Camera tomorrow and see if they can try another battery in it for me, before I fork out for a new one and then find out it' s not the battery that's the problem.

I really hope I don't have to buy another camera. This one is only 2 years old! And even though it only set me back 30,000yen, I absolutely love it. And it's pink. =( Not only all of that but the fact of the matter is, I simply can't AFFORD to buy a new camera.

This inhabitant tax is really gonna cause me some financial damage. ESPECIALLY since I've got more holiday coming up. I could go down to the ward office and try and get the payments reduced, but all that does is prolong the agony of having to pay it....although it would make the payments more manageable. Either way, you end up paying the same amount. I'm finding it hard to look at the fact that it's so high because I'm doing OK at work in a positive light. All I see is that that's rough 25,000yen less than last year that I can't spend on fabulous things for myself.

Ridiculous that you have to pay such an extortionate amount just to live here. Is it kinda the same as council tax? Actually no, coz council tax is per household, right? This is just some individual sting that they shove on you. Pure EVIL. Daylight ******* robbery.

Not sure what my roommate is paying, but I'm sure it's not as much as me. On the other hand, she's  gonna get stung next year - she's just landed a new job paying 7,000,000yen a year.


Feeling very sad this evening. 

Nothing a cup of tea and a spot of trance won't sort out though! HAHAHA!


Sunday 10 June 2012

Gemini Time!!!

What a cracking start I've had to the last year of my 20s!!

I've been celebrating my birthday for 2 weeks and the parties are still going strong!

Guam was great. It was so nice just to get outta Japan and plonk my arse on a beach for a weekend. I switched off my phone, didn't access the net and relaxed. It's not the kinda place that you can stay for a long time and I think I'd only go back if a whole loada people are going, but we did have a good time. It has been such a long time since I've experienced American hospitality like that! Freaked me out a bit to be honest.

And then I realised how much I've missed that kinda friendliness. When a complete stranger will just say "hi" to you when you walk past them - I kept looking over my shoulder to see who they were talking to!! And I just loved the customer service in all the stores and restaurants - uber friendly staff just striking up a conversation with you - it's been such a long time since I've had any of that!

We definitely experienced some super tropical weather. When we got up on the 1st, it was raining, then cleared, then got sunny, then started raining, then cleared, then came p****** down and then cleared the way for an absolutely stunning sunset. I tried my hand at a spot of fishing local style and we chilled on the beach drinking beers and enjoy the gorgeous view. 

Out for dinner and then it was time to check out the nightlife. I was ridiculously dressed up next to everyone else!! LOL!! But it was nice to sit outside and have a few drinks before hitting a club. I got the shock of my life when I walked in and heard bashment. It took me back 10 years!! Absolutely loved it!!

The next couple of days were stunning. The weather was just fantastic and we baked out on the beach and did a spot of shopping. On the last day, we had a few hours in the morning and went straight to the beach for a serious roasting. After 3 hours it was so insanely hot, that we went back to the hotel and checked out. 

Guam airport is cack. Absolutely cack. And it was boiling in there as well - but at least the flight was only a few hours so it wasn't that hard to deal with.

Back in Tokyo, the celebrations continued last night. What was supposed to be a civilized dinner and then home turned into a drunken fiesta and ended with me rocking up back home at 3am - just in time for 5 hours sleep before heading out to work this morning.

It started with a stunning dinner in Azabu. 6 courses, a bottle of champagne, a bottle of white and a bottle of red later, it was still early so we decided to hit up a bar. In the bar we ordered drinks and then out came another bottle of champagne which we necked - thinking that we were gonna make the last train home.

Then we bumped into these hostess girls and ended up heading to a club in Roppongi. I can't be arsed to get into the drama that went on in the club, but we ended up leaving shortly after getting inside. Probably a good thing, because I dread to think what time I would have made it home if I hadn't of left then!!! It was seriously good fun though and I had such a good time!

All was going well until I got home and opened my post.

I nearly had an effing heart attack when I saw my inhabitant tax bill!!

I thought it was bad enough last year at 67,000 yen. My workaholic tendencies and love for earning a crap load and pushed the tax up to 90,000 yen per payment!!! 

90,000 YEN!?!??!?!!?!

That's like £730 for....what exactly?!


I guess it means I can kiss goodbye to all my luxuries!! HAHAHA! I'm glad I've been to Costco already!!
