“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Itchy Itchy Itchy

There are no words for how knackered I am this evening.

I told you that I was out on Sunday, ne? Well, smartarse here didn't think about the consequences of wearing booty shorts to the park....and staying there until dark.

My legs are covered with about 20 mosquito bites...and they are seriously ITCHY!!!!

I swear Japanese mozzies are the WORST!!! And I was up all night trying to resist the urge to scratch....of course, I failed, but I barely slept at all.

Then it was into work, where I was greeted by a crap loada insanely slow paced clients. Minus 2 or 3 of them, I was seriously losing my cool with the stupid amounts of amateurish grammar mistakes, while being constantly agitated by these annoying itchy bites.

My patience was pushed as I was practically falling asleep in my last few lessons from tiredness, annoyance and just wanting to get the hell outta the office.

On a more positive note though, I went in today to be greeted by caramel Tim Tams from Oz! Not only that, I got almond chocolates, LaDuree macaroons and Lindt chocolate as birthday pressies from my clients. I tucked straight in and after about half a box of the almond choccies I felt sick and started sharing them....not before I scoffed half the macaroons though!

So in a surprising turn of events, I actually came home with most of them!! Pretty sure the whole lot will  be gone by the end of tomorrow! I have a day off, but I will be insanely busy with a whole loada appointments, going to pick up my camera, going to the gym (if this rain lets up), going to the supermarket, cleaning and laundry.

Some day off this is going to be!



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